Library Services | Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (2024)

The OCtech Library aims to provide resources, services, and information to support the personal, academic, and professional goals of students, faculty, and staff at OCtech.

The library’s resources are accessible both on and off campus through OCtech’s website and D2L. Library resources include electronic databases, print and electronic books, DVDs, PASCAL Delivers, magazines, journals and newspapers, workshops, study space, computers, and streaming content.

Resources and services provided by the library include but are not limited to the following:

Online Catalog

Our comprehensive online catalog, accessible from the library’s homepage, is your gateway to many resources. It provides a means to search for books, eBooks, newspapers, magazines, journals, and videos. Electronic books are just a click away, accessible from our online catalog by limiting search results to eBooks or by accessing links that lead directly to eBook databases. Like all of the library’s other library databases, eBooks are available both on and off campus (off-campus use requires signing in with your Microsoft login credentials. Also available through the library’s online catalog are research databases, Libguides, PASCAL Delivers, individual library accounts, and the ability to renew items that have checked out.

eBooks (electronic books)

The library provides access to eBooks through an online catalog search or links to eBook databases. eBooks can be accessed in the online catalog or by choosing an eBook database from the alphabetical list of databases. All eBooks are full-text and are available both on and off campus (off-campus use requires signing in with a current Microsoft account login).

PASCAL Delivers

PASCAL (Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries) is a testament to the power of collaboration. It's a consortium of all South Carolina academic libraries, offering cost-effective print and electronic resource options. PASCAL Delivers, a free resource, is a prime example of this collaboration, enabling students, faculty, and staff of South Carolina colleges and universities to search for and request books from academic libraries in South Carolina. This invaluable resource is available through the library’s online catalog (It requires users to log in using Microsoft credentials). Borrowed material generally arrives within three to four days and can be checked out for 4 weeks, expanding the horizons of your research and learning.

Electronic Databases

The Library provides access to electronic databases covering various subject areas and formats, including articles, videos, primary sources, and eBooks. Databases are provided through agreements with DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users) and PASCAL (Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries) or are purchased directly by OCtech. Library databases are available on and off campus to current OCtech students, faculty, and staff through the library’s website (off-campus use requires signing in with current Microsoft credentials).


OCtech students, faculty, and staff can check laptops out for a limited time. All laptops have wireless internet access and the Microsoft Office suite. Laptops can be checked out for two weeks with one additional two-week renewal.

Library Instruction

The Library staff provides information literacy sessions to classes based on specific assignments. The goal of these sessions is to help students learn how to access library resources and how to apply them to their assignments. Faculty schedules information literacy sessions, and a lesson plan is developed cooperatively between the faculty member and the library instructor. Students may also participate in an online library orientation using the LibGuide process below. A link to the LibGuides is available 24 hours a day via D2L and the Library webpage.


Available through the Library’s website, LibGuides provides information and resources for specific courses, classes, or assignments. Content in LibGuides can include databases, videos, links to web content, documents, and any other content relevant to students’ educational careers. A LibGuide is also available to orient students on how to use library resources (See the Library Resources Tab). LibGuides are available on and off campus through the library’s website.

Printing, Copying, and Scanning

The library has a multifunction printer that serves as a copier, printer, and scanner. Copies and printed pages are $.10/page. Students must add money to their printing account at the bookstore before printing. There is no cost for scanning, but all scanned documents must be saved to individual flash drives.


The library has general-use computers with internet access and software required for OCtech students. A computer lab is also open to students, faculty, and staff on a first-come, first-served basis. Instructors can make reservations for computer lab use for their classes. If all computers or study rooms are in use, students can use the computer lab’s computers as a quiet space (please check with Library staff at the front desk).

Study Rooms

Five study rooms are available for students, faculty, and staff to use on a first-come, first-served basis. They can seat 4-6 people at one time.

Americans with Disabilities Act

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, accommodations to serve students with disabilities are available in the library

Contacting the Library: In addition to the library's published hours of operation, the library can be reached through D2L or its website. Contact methods include email, phone, chat, and appointment via Zoom (see website to request appointments).

Library Services | Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (2024)


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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.