Registrar's Office - Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (2024)

Students may inspect and review their educational records upon written request to the Vice President of Student Services at Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College. The request should identify as precisely as possible the record(s) he/she desires to inspect. The Vice President of Student Services will notify the Registrar, who will make the necessary arrangements for access as promptly as possible. The student must be given access to inspect and review educational records within 45 days of the day the college received the request for access. The Vice President of Student Serviceswill notify the student of the time and location where the records may be inspected.

OCtechreserves the right to refuse student inspection and review of the following records:

  1. The financial statement of the student’s parent(s).
  2. Confidential letters and recommendations placed in the files prior to January 1, 1975 or letters and statements of recommendations placed after January 1, 1975 in which the student has waived his or her right to inspect and review statements that are related to the student’s admission, application for employment, job placement or receipt of honors.
  3. Educational records that contain information about more than one student. However, the college will permit access to the portion of the record that only pertains to the inquiring student.
  4. Disciplinary records.

OCtech retains the right to deny a student a copy of his/her academic records in the following instances:

  1. The student has an unpaid financial obligation to the college.
  2. There is an unresolved disciplinary action against the student.

Policy 4.024 Student Review of Education Records

Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College will disclose information from a student’s academic record only with the written consent of the student. Exceptions to disclosure without student consent include the following:

  1. To college officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records. College officials include any person employed in an administrative, supervisory, support staff or faculty position; an Area Commission member; a person employed under contract to Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College to perform a special task such as an auditor or attorney. A college official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is: performing a task that is specified in his/her position description or contract agreement, performing a task related to a student’s education, performing a task related to the discipline of a student, or providing a service or benefit relating to the student or student’s family, such as healthcare, counseling, job placement or financial.
  2. To agents acting on behalf of the institution (e.g., clearinghouses, degree/enrollment verifiers).
  3. To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, and state and local education authorities in connection with various state or federally supported education programs.
  4. In connection with a student’s request for financial aid as necessary to determine eligibility, amount or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
  5. To organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College.
  6. To accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.
  7. To the parents of an eligible student who claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.
  8. To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.
  9. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.
  10. Directory information such as name, address, telephone number and enrollment status.
  11. The results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence to the alleged victim of that crime.
  12. To anyone if a health or safety emergency exists and the information will assist in resolving the emergency.
  13. To an alleged victim of a crime of violence of the results of a disciplinary hearing regarding the alleged perpetrator of that crime with respect to that crime.
  14. To anyone requesting the final results of a disciplinary hearing against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense (Foley Amendment).
  15. To the Immigration and Naturalization Service for purposes of the Coordinated Interagency Partnership Regulating International Students.
  16. To military recruiters who request “Student Recruiting Information” for recruiting purposes only (Solomon Amendment). Recruiting information includes name, address, telephone listing, age or year of birth, level of education and major.
  17. The Internal Revenue Service for the purposes of complying with the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.
  18. To authorized representatives of the Department of Veterans Affairs for students receiving educational assistance from the agency.

Policy 4.023 Disclosure of Education Records

Procedure 4.023.01 Disclosure of Education Records

Directory information such as name, address, telephone number, major, participation in recognized activities, attendance dates, degrees/awards received and most recent school attended is not released to any commercial concerns. However, the college may disclose any of those items without prior written consent to those organizations the college deems responsible for promoting achievements of the student and organizations charged with verifying information provided by the student for employment reasons unless notified in writing by the student to the contrary by the end of the second week of class each term (or first meeting of Continuing Education courses). Requests should be directed to the college Registrar.

Policy 4.025 Directory Information

Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College complies with South Carolina state law and the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education policy that “students shall receive advanced placement credit for each corresponding course” offered by Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College.

  • Advanced Placement Credit – Students who score a 3 or higher on the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examinations may receive Advanced Placement credit.
  • International Baccalaureate Credit – Students who score a 4or higheron any higher-level International Baccalaureate (IB) course examination may receive Advanced Placement credit.

Advanced credit is awarded for AP examinations and IB examinations. However, credit may or may not be applied to all degree requirements of the college. Specific information on advanced placement and International Baccalaureate examination credit may be obtained in the college Registrar’s Office. Information regarding specific credit towards degree requirements may be obtained from the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the student’s curriculum Program Coordinator.

Policy 4.015 Advanced Placement and Credit

A student may not register for more than 18 credit hours per semester unless permission is obtained from the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Course requirements that exceed 18 semester credit hours and are published in the college catalog shall constitute approval.

To meet the academic requirements for a degree, diploma or certificate from OCtech, a course similar in content to a required course may be substituted with the approval of the appropriate Academic Dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. There must be extenuating circ*mstances that would prevent the student from taking and successfully completing the required course before approval can be requested.

A student may repeat any course. However, there are limitations for students who pay for courses with federal student aid funds. Students receiving federal financial aid are allowed to repeat a course that they have already received credit for only one additional time in order to try to improve their grade. The complete academic record, including all grades, is reflected on the transcript, but only the highest grade earned in a course taken more than once is calculated in the GPA.

The Veterans’ Administration will not pay educational benefits for repeating a course for which the student previously received credit.

Students may enroll in courses for non-credit on an audit basis. During the first 5 consecutive class days of the term, a student may change to credit status if he/she desires. Students who register for credit may change to audit during the first 5 class days of the term, as well. Changes should be reported to the individual instructor teaching the course, as well as the college Registrar. The tuition fee for auditing a course is the same as the fee for a credit course.

Policy 4.017 Auditing Courses

OCtech reserves the right to add, change or drop courses as the demand changes, both from student interest and the needs of industry. Conflicts arising from such changes will be resolved individually in the best interest of the student. The sequence of courses within a curriculum is also subject to change when deemed necessary.

Policy 4.018 Course Schedule Changes

There is a period of five calendar days (5 days for full-term or 2 days for mini-term), beginning with the first day of class each term, during which courses may be added to a student’s schedule, provided the course is not closed, has not met and the student meets course prerequisite requirements. During the same period, courses may be dropped without a penalty. All schedule changes require a completed add/drop form with appropriate signatures and compliance with college add/drop procedures.

If a student drops a class after the first five calendar days, and before the end of the first thirty days of a term, a grade of W will be shown on the transcript. The grade of W will not be tabulated in the student’s GPA. Courses dropped after the end of the first thirty calendar days of the semester will receive a grade of WP if the student is currently passing the course at the time of withdrawal and a WF if the student is failing the course at the time of withdrawal. The WF is the only grade that will be calculated into the student’s grade point average. The WF carries the same punitive grade as that of F. The instructor may issue a grade of W in lieu of the WP or WF at the time of withdrawal. The withdrawal period will be pro-rated for terms of varying length (i.e. summer session and mini-term).

Students may withdraw from the college and all classes during the first 5 calendar days of the term without penalty. Withdrawn courses will not appear on the student’s transcript. Withdrawal of courses after the first 5 calendar days, but before the end of the first 30 calendar days of the term, will be reflected on the student’s transcript. A student’s official withdrawal date will be based on the student’s last date of attendance.

Withdrawn courses will receive a grade of W. Although this grade appears on the transcript, it is not calculated into the student’s grade point average. Withdrawals from courses after the end of the first 30 calendar days of the term will receive a grade of WP (Withdrawn Passing) if the student was passing the course at the time of withdrawal and a grade of WF (Withdrawn Failing) if the student was failing the course at the time of withdrawal.

The instructor may issue a grade of W in lieu of the WP or WF at the time of withdrawal. The WF is a punitive grade which carries the same calculation in the grade point average as that of an F.

Prompt and regular class attendance is expected of all students. A decision to stop attending classes at OCtech does not constitute an official course withdrawal. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the proper paperwork to withdraw from classes. Failure to complete and submit the proper paperwork to withdraw from classes after the published add/drop period will result in a failing grade for the course(s).

Students receiving Title IV Federal Aid and Veteran’s Benefits should consult with a member of the Financial Aid staff prior to course withdrawal to determine financial implications.

Add/Drop and Withdrawal Procedure:

  1. Obtain an add/drop form from the Student Records Office located in the Patrick Student Services building.
  2. Complete the top portion of the add/drop form (name, curriculum, social security number, student status and date).
  3. Complete each section that applies to you.
  4. Obtain signatures from the instructors who teach each class that you are dropping or adding.
  5. Obtain the signature of your advisor or member of the Student Services counseling staff.
  6. Return the completed add/drop form to the Student Records Office. You have not completed the add/drop procedures until you return your add/drop form to the Student Records Office.

The add/drop form will then be processed, with the exception of those students on financial aid whose forms will go to the Financial Aid Office, where it will be determined if additional tuition is required.

Policy 4.042 Withdrawal from Courses

Procedure 4.042.01

OCtech recognizes that some students may not be able to overcome previously poor academic records in order to meet new career and educational goals. Therefore, a student who has not been in attendance at OCtech for a period of 3 years may petition the Committee on Student Appeals for academic forgiveness. If the petition is granted, all college-level work at OCtech attempted and completed prior to readmission will be eliminated from computation in the grade point average and may not be used to complete course requirements for graduation. This includes courses that were completed with satisfactory grades. The courses, however, will not be removed from the student’s transcript. A student may petition for academic forgiveness only once.

Procedures for Petitioning Academic Forgiveness:

  1. Submit an application for re-admission and pay applicable fees.
  2. Complete an Academic Forgiveness Petition form and submit a letter explaining the reason(s) why academic forgiveness should be granted. The letter should be addressed to the Committee for Student Appeals. All petition materials should be submitted to an Admission Counselor or an Advising Center Counselor 30 days prior to the desired semester of enrollment.
  3. Students who are granted academic forgiveness must meet program admissions requirements at the time of re-application to OCtech. Admissions requirements for certain curricula may preclude a student from reapplying to specific programs of study.
  4. Students who are denied a petition for academic forgiveness may appeal in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs within 5 days of the committee’s decision.

Reports showing the scholarship marks obtained by the student are issued at the end of each semester. The following marks are used:

A – Excellent – 4 grade points for each credit hour earned
B – Above Average – 3 grade points for each credit hour earned
C – Average – 2 grade points for each credit hour earned
D – Below Average – 1 grade point for each credit hour earned
F – Failure – used in academic calculations; earns no credit hours andcarries 0 grade points for each credit hour attempted
When the studentretakes a course taken in the semester system, the F is negated, and the higher grade is used in GPA calculations.

Other grade and course symbols authorized for use are:
I – Incomplete – no credits or grade points; defaults to F after one semester if requirements are not met
CF – Carry Forward – no credits or grade points
S – Satisfactory – earns no grade points
U – Unsatisfactory – no credits, CEUs or grade points
W – Withdrawn – 0 grade points
E – Exempt Earns credits – no grade points; awarded for course exemption based on testing or High School Articulation
TR – Transfer Earns credits – no grade points; allowable equivalent OCtech credits earned at other post-secondary institutions supported by official transcripts
WP – WithdrawPassing – 0 grade points
AU – Audit – no credits or grade points
NC – No Credit – no credits or grade points
SC – Satisfactory Completion – earns credits; no grade points
WF – Withdrawn Failing – used in GPA calculations; earns no credit hours and carries grade points for each hour attempted

When student retakes a course taken in the semester system, the WF is negated and the higher grade is used in GPA calculations.

Credits earned in courses in the Catalog of Approved Courses numbered less than 100 will not be creditable toward a certificate, diploma or degree, and will not generate grade points for use in GPA calculation.

The grading system reflects a 4-point scale:
A = 4;
B = 3;
C = 2;
D = 1;
F = 0.
In computing grade point averages, the total number of grade points is divided by the total number of credit hours attempted. Grade reports show a semester GPA and a cumulative GPA. The example below reflects a GPA of 2.60.


CourseGrade xHoursAttempted =GradePoints

ENG 101Cx 3.0 = 6.0
ECO 253 B x 3.0 = 9.0
MAT 111 D x 3.0 = 3.0
BIO 101 A x 3.0 = 12.0
HIS 102 B x 3.0 = 3.0

Hours Attempted15.0 Grade Points 39.0
Grade Point Average = Total grade points (39) divided by semester credit hours attempted (15.0) = 2.60

Any discrepancies or questions concerning grades, credits, grade points, etc., must be brought to the attention of the Registrar within 30 days of the end of the semester or session. After that time period, the student’s record is considered official and correct. It is the student’s responsibility to review his/her academic records for accuracy.

OCtech classifies non-traditional students as those who are age 20 and over or those who enroll within two or more years after high school graduation. Non-traditional students may receive course credit upon application to the college based on qualifications in any or all of the following four categories:

  • Military Training Credit
  • Credit by Exemption Exam
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Experiential Learning Credit

OCtech awards exemption credit to an applicant who has completed specialized military occupational training as a member of the Service Members Opportunities College.

The coursework must be applicable to the student’s academic curriculum, and the training must closely parallel coursework offered by OCtech. Exemption credit is awarded based on the guidelines established by the American Council of Education Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.

The college Registrar reviews appropriate military documentation and, upon conferral with the appropriate academic Program Coordinator, awards applicable credit to the student. Credit for military experience is listed as awarded credit on the student’s transcript. The Academic Success and Career Center (ASCC) can provide guidance to students in the preparation of appropriate documentation.

Exemption Exam Policy– Course exemption exams are given each semester during the add/drop period only. The application for an exemption exam may be obtained from the Student Services Office. The cost of the exam will be the actual credit-hour cost of the course.

Students must adhere to the following guidelines:

1. The student must apply in writing for the examination no later than the end of the regular registration period. This does not include the late registration period at the college.

  • The application is to be addressed to the Academic Dean of the Division in which the course is offered.
  • The application must present, either by content or reference, sufficient evidence to clearly indicate that the applicant has previously received training or taken work that is closely equivalent to that given at OCtech in the particular course for which an exemption is requested and upon which an examination could be warranted

2. The request for an examination must be approved by the Program Coordinator in which the course is taught and the Academic Dean in which the course is offered.

3. A grade of C or higheron the examination will entitle the examinee to receivefull credit for hours taken, hours earnedand grade points, as well as agrade for the course equaling the examination grade.

4. If the examination is passed successfully, the faculty member administering theexamination will submit a signed report to Student Records indicating thefollowing:

  • Student’s name
  • Course title and number
  • The letter grade for the course
  • Credit hours

5. An exemption examination may not be requested for a course previously taken at Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College.

Students must adhere to the following procedures when requesting an exemptionexam:

  1. The student must register and pay for the course.
  2. The student must apply in writing to the Academic Dean of the course for which the exemption exam is requested.
  3. The appropriate Academic Dean must receive the application by the end of the registration period. The application must present, either by content or reference, sufficient evidence to clearly indicate that the applicant has previously received training or taken work which is closely equivalent to that given at OCtech in the particular course for which the exemption exam is requested.
  4. The request for an exemption exam must be approved by the Program Coordinator and Academic Dean for which the course is offered.
  5. A grade of C or higher on the examination will entitle the examinee to receive full credit for the course. The grade will be tabulated into the student’s grade point average.
  6. If the examination is passed successfully, the faculty member administering the exam will assign a grade and forward to the Student Records Office.
  7. If the student fails to pass the exam with a grade of C or higher, he/she will remain in the course for the duration of the semester, and the faculty member will assign an appropriate grade on the grade roster at the end of the semester based on the student’s performance in the course for the entire period.

Credit for courses by exemption exam will be listed on the student’s transcript with the appropriate letter grade earned on the exam, provided the student earned a grade of C or higher. Exam results of grade C or higherare forwarded to the college Registrar for inclusion on the student’s transcript.

Non-traditional students may receive exemption credit for successful completion of subject area CLEP examinations. CLEP credit is awarded for courses that parallel those taught at Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College. Credit is awarded based on recommended minimum subject exam scores as outlined in the College Level Examination Program Technical Manual.

CLEP scores are reviewed by the college Registrar,who – upon conferral with the appropriate Academic Dean – awards credit for applicable coursework. Awarded credits are listed on the student’s transcript for coursework earned by CLEP exam.

For selected courses, OCtech may award credit for properly documented experiential learning that demonstrates mastery of OCtech course objectives. No more than 25% of program completion requirements may be comprised of experiential learning credit.

Students should direct inquiries regarding credit for experiential learning to the appropriate Program Coordinator or Academic Dean.

Registrar's Office - Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (2024)


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