DoorsHardcoreMode V1.0.6 - (2024)

  1. --[=[

  2. Version 1.0.5

  3. --]=]

  4. print("%B"))

  5. print("Loading")

  6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  7. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  8. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  9. local HardCore = {

  10. Title = "Uhm..", -- Made by MuhammadGames and Volta

  11. Desc = "Join a Match of HardCore For the First Time.",

  12. Reason = "You executed the HardCore script.",

  13. Image = "",

  14. id = 1,

  15. }

  16. local DepthW = {

  17. Title = "Blue",

  18. Desc = "Encounter Depth",

  19. Reason = "Survive Depth",

  20. Image = "",

  21. id = 2,

  22. }

  23. local Depth = {

  24. Title = "In a mouth",

  25. Desc = "It's So Cold",

  26. Reason = "Dont Survive Depth",

  27. Image = "",

  28. id = 3,

  29. }

  30. local Smiles = {

  31. Title = "Smiling",

  32. Desc = "Stop Smiling",

  33. Reason = "Encounter and Survive Smiler",

  34. Image = "",

  35. id = 4,

  36. }

  37. local SmilesDie = {

  38. Title = "Smile to Fail",

  39. Desc = "Don't Smile",

  40. Reason = "Encounter And Dont Survive Smiler",

  41. Image = "",

  42. id = 5,

  43. }

  44. local NightmareRush ={

  45. Title = "Rush?",

  46. Desc = "Don't Be fooled",

  47. Reason = "Encounter And Survive Nightmare Rush",

  48. Image = "",

  49. id = 6,

  50. }

  51. local NightmareAmbush ={

  52. Title = "Ambush?",

  53. Desc = "Don't Be fooled",

  54. Reason = "Encounter And Survive Nightmare Ambush",

  55. Image = "",

  56. id = 7,

  57. }

  58. local NightmareAmbush ={

  59. Title = "Ambush?",

  60. Desc = "Don't Be fooled",

  61. Reason = "Encounter And Survive Nightmare Ambush",

  62. Image = "",

  63. id = 8,

  64. }

  65. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  66. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  67. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  68. -- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  69. caa = 0

  70. tween = game:GetService("TweenService")

  71. local TestMultplayer = true

  72. if game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Extacuted") then

  73. warn("You have Already Loaded")

  74. return false

  75. end

  76. local Test ="Part")

  77. Test.Name = "Extacuted"

  78. Test.Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

  79. Test = 1

  80. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  81. local SelfModules = {

  82. Functions = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))(),

  83. }

  84. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  85. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  86. local ModName = "HardCore"

  87. local foldername = "AchievementsSaves By Muhammadgames,Helped by RegularVynixu"

  88. local Slipt = string.split(foldername,"|")

  89. local valid2 = isfolder(foldername)

  90. if not valid2 then

  91. makefolder(foldername)

  92. end

  93. local fileName = ModName.."Save's.txt"

  94. local filePath = foldername.. "/".. fileName

  95. local valid = isfile(filePath)

  96. local Achievements = loadstring(game:HttpGet("'s%20Achievement%20Modifyer"))()

  97. function AchievementsGet(Achievement)

  98. local read = readfile(filePath)

  99. local read2 = tostring(read)

  100. local read2 = string.split(read,"|")

  101. FOUND = false

  102. Find = ""

  103. for i,v in pairs(Achievement) do

  104. if i == "id" then

  105. Find=Find.." "..v

  106. end

  107. end

  108. for i,v in pairs(read2) do

  109. if v == Find then

  110. FOUND = true

  111. end

  112. end -- Desc

  113. if FOUND == false then

  114. Achievements.Get(Achievement)

  115. Write = ""

  116. for i,v in pairs(Achievement) do

  117. if i == "id" then

  118. Write=Write.." "..v

  119. end

  120. end

  121. appendfile(filePath,Write.."|")

  122. end

  123. end

  124. -- Creates and displays your custom achievement

  125. -- readfile(<string> path)

  126. if not valid then

  127. writefile(filePath, "Helped by RegularVynixu|")

  128. end

  129. AchievementsGet(HardCore)

  130. if game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Guis") then

  131. else

  132. Visable ="Folder")

  133. Visable.Name = "Guis"

  134. Visable.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage

  135. end

  136. function Gui(Name,Amount1,TextSent)

  137. if game:GetService("Players").localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame:FindFirstChild("!"..Name.."!") then

  138. game:GetService("Players").localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame["!"..Name.."!"]:Destroy()

  139. end

  140. Visable ="BoolValue")

  141. Visable.Value = true

  142. Visable.Name = Name

  143. Visable.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Guis

  144. game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.LocksOpened.Visible = true

  145. LocksOpened = game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.LocksOpened:Clone()

  146. game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.LocksOpened.Visible = false

  147. LocksOpened.Parent = game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame

  148. LocksOpened.Visible = game.ReplicatedStorage.Guis:FindFirstChild(Name).Value

  149. local Grad = game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame["Leftover Gold"].UICorner:Clone()

  150. Grad.Parent = LocksOpened

  151. Grad = game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame["Leftover Gold"].UIGradient:Clone()

  152. Grad.Parent = LocksOpened

  153. Grad = game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame["Leftover Gold"].Amount:Clone()

  154. Grad.Parent = LocksOpened

  155. Grad.Text = Amount1

  156. Grad.Position = Grad.Position -,0,0,0)

  157. Grad = game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame["Leftover Gold"].Icon:Clone()

  158. Grad.Parent = LocksOpened

  159. Grad.Position = Grad.Position -,0,0,0)

  160. LocksOpened.CloseButton.Position = LocksOpened.CloseButton.Position -,0,0,0)

  161. LocksOpened.CloseButton.ImageColor3 =, 0.854902, 1)

  162. LocksOpened.TextColor3 =, 0.854902, 1)

  163. LocksOpened.TextScaled = false

  164. LocksOpened.Name = "!"..Name.."!"

  165. LocksOpened.TextSize = game.Players.localPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Statistics.Frame["Leftover Gold"].TextSize + 16

  166. LocksOpened.Size = LocksOpened.Parent["Leftover Gold"].Size

  167. LocksOpened.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.552941, 0.647059)

  168. LocksOpened.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5

  169. LocksOpened.Text = TextSent

  170. game.ReplicatedStorage.Guis:FindFirstChild(Name).changed:connect(function()

  171. LocksOpened.Visible = game.ReplicatedStorage.Guis:FindFirstChild(Name).Value

  172. end)

  173. end

  174. local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  175. -- Run the created entity

  176. local Message = function(Message,Enable,N)

  177. local msg ="Message")

  178. msg.Parent = game.Workspace

  179. msg.Text = Message

  180. if Enable ~= true then

  181. task.wait(0.1)

  182. msg:Destroy()

  183. end

  184. end

  185. -- Message("Thank you For Loading MultplayerBeta 1.2")

  186. for ii,vv in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do

  187. PlayersIngame = ii

  188. end -- Gets All Players

  189. if TestMultplayer == true then

  190. PlayersIngame = 1000 -- TestMultplayer

  191. end

  192. if PlayersIngame > 1 then -- if more then one then waits for link

  193. if game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value > 0 then

  194. print("Loaded After door 1! Please wait for everyone to die")

  195. game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {

  196. Text = "Load Before Door 1",

  197. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),

  198. Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,

  199. TextSize = 18,

  200. })

  201. firesignal(game.ReplicatedStorage.Bricks.DeathHint.OnClientEvent, {"You didn't Load it Before Door 1!","Please Wait for the next round"})

  202. game.ReplicatedStorage.GameStats["Player_".. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Total.DeathCause.Value = "Not Loading Before Door 1"

  203. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = -100

  204. return false

  205. end

  206. game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {

  207. Text = "Doors Hard Mode | By MuhammadGames (MuhammadGames#0017) and Volta (volta#2161)",

  208. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),

  209. Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,

  210. TextSize = 18,

  211. })

  212. Gui("HardMode"," ","Hard Mode")

  213. print("Loaded, Wating to Link to Multplayer") -- waiting to link

  214. c=1

  215. repeat task.wait()

  216. if c < 10 then

  217. -- Message("MultplayerV1.2B",true,"Welcome")

  218. c=10

  219. end

  220. -- msg:Destroy()

  221. --Kill=true

  222. until game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value > 0

  223. print("Linked to Clients") -- linked

  224. game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {

  225. Text = "Door 1 opened... Hardcore Start!",

  226. Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),

  227. Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,

  228. TextSize = 18,

  229. })

  230. Singleplayer = false -- Runs more Then 1 Player Code

  231. else

  232. print("Loaded in Singleplayer") -- loaded in 1 player

  233. repeat task.wait()

  234. until game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value > 0

  235. print("Started")

  236. Singleplayer = true -- Runs One player Code

  237. end

  238. Testa = 10

  239. getgenv().death = false

  240. Be=false

  241. Many=1

  242. JobId = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.GameStarted.Value

  243. Lowest = string.len(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.GameStarted.Value)

  244. Lowest = tonumber(Lowest)

  245. Stop=Lowest

  246. RanWait2=""

  247. function Depth()

  248. while true do task.wait()

  249. pcall(function()

  250. Be=true

  251. wait(30)

  252. wait(10)

  253. local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  254. -- Create entity

  255. if game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom.Value ~= 50 then

  256. game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom.Changed:Wait()

  257. else

  258. Wait(20)

  259. end

  260. local Depth = Creator.createEntity({

  261. CustomName = "Depth", -- Custom name of your entity

  262. Model = "", -- Can be GitHub file or rbxassetid

  263. Speed = 350, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed

  264. DelayTime = 5,

  265. KillRange=100,-- Time before starting cycles (seconds)

  266. HeightOffset = 1,

  267. CanKill = true,

  268. BreakLights = true,

  269. FlickerLights = {

  270. true, -- Enabled

  271. 1, -- Time (seconds)

  272. },

  273. Cycles = {

  274. Min = 2,

  275. Max = 10,

  276. WaitTime = 2,

  277. },

  278. CamShake = {

  279. true, -- Enabled

  280. {5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)

  281. 100, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)

  282. },

  283. Jumpscare = {

  284. true, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)

  285. {

  286. Image1 = "", -- Image1 url

  287. Image2 = "", -- Image2 url

  288. Shake = true,

  289. Sound1 = {

  290. 10483790459, -- SoundId

  291. { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties

  292. },

  293. Sound2 = {

  294. 5263560566, -- SoundId

  295. { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties

  296. },

  297. Flashing = {

  298. true, -- Enabled

  299. Color3.fromRGB(50, 115, 108), -- Color

  300. },

  301. Tease = {

  302. false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)

  303. Min = 1,

  304. Max = 5,

  305. },

  306. },

  307. },

  308. CustomDialog = {"You died to Depth", "Depth, is not rare at all..", "He can rebound too.","use what you leared from Ambush and rush tho.","Try again..","Now you know how to beat him!"}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)

  309. })

  310. -----[[ Debug -=- Advanced ]]-----

  311. Depth.Debug.OnEntityDespawned = function()

  312. if getgenv().death == false then

  313. AchievementsGet(DepthW)

  314. end

  315. end

  316. Depth.Debug.OnDeath = function()

  317. getgenv().death = true

  318. AchievementsGet(Depth)

  319. end

  320. ------------------------

  321. -- Run the created entity

  322. Creator.runEntity(Depth)

  323. end)

  324. end

  325. end

  326. Stop=string.len(JobId)

  327. caa=0

  328. function SmilerSpawn()

  329. while true do task.wait()

  330. pcall(function()

  331. -- print("A-60")

  332. wait(40)

  333. -- Create entity

  334. local entity = Creator.createEntity({

  335. CustomName = "Smiler", -- Custom name of your entity

  336. Model = "", -- Can be GitHub file or rbxassetid

  337. Speed = 850, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed

  338. DelayTime = 12, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)

  339. HeightOffset = 1,

  340. CanKill = true,

  341. KillRange=100,

  342. BreakLights = true,

  343. FlickerLights = {

  344. true, -- Enabled

  345. 5, -- Time (seconds)

  346. },

  347. Cycles = {

  348. Min = 5,

  349. Max = 20,

  350. WaitTime = 0.3,

  351. },

  352. CamShake = {

  353. true, -- Enabled

  354. {20, 20, 1, 2}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)

  355. 100, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)

  356. },

  357. Jumpscare = {

  358. true, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)

  359. {

  360. Image1 = "rbxassetid://11417375410", -- Image1 url

  361. Image2 = "rbxassetid://11417375410", -- Image2 url

  362. Shake = true,

  363. Sound1 = {

  364. 5263560566, -- SoundId

  365. { Volume = 2.1 }, -- Sound properties

  366. },

  367. Sound2 = {

  368. 5263560566, -- SoundId

  369. { Volume = 2.1 }, -- Sound properties

  370. },

  371. Flashing = {

  372. true, -- Enabled

  373. Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), -- Color

  374. },

  375. Tease = {

  376. false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)

  377. Min = 1,

  378. Max = 3,

  379. },

  380. },

  381. },

  382. CustomDialog = {"You die to Smiler", "Try again..", "..."}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)

  383. })

  384. -----[[ Advanced ]]-----

  385. entity.Debug.OnEntitySpawned = function()

  386. end

  387. entity.Debug.OnEntityDespawned = function()

  388. if getgenv().death == false then

  389. AchievementsGet(Smiles)

  390. end

  391. entity.Debug.OnEntityStartMoving = function()

  392. end

  393. entity.Debug.OnEntityFinishedRebound = function()

  394. end

  395. entity.Debug.OnDeath = function()

  396. getgenv().death = true

  397. AchievementsGet(SmilesDie)

  398. end

  399. ------------------------

  400. -- Run the created entity

  401. Creator.runEntity(entity)

  402. end

  403. end)

  404. end

  405. end

  406. function VhsSansSpawn()

  407. while true do wait(200)

  408. pcall(function()

  409. local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  410. -- Create entity

  411. local entity2 = Creator.createEntity({

  412. CustomName = "Mile", -- Custom name of your entity

  413. Model = "11829882878", -- Can be GitHub file or rbxassetid

  414. Speed = 800, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed

  415. DelayTime = 1, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)

  416. HeightOffset = 0,

  417. CanKill = true,

  418. KillRange = 30,

  419. BreakLights = true,

  420. BackwardsMovement = false,

  421. FlickerLights = {

  422. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  423. 6, -- Time (seconds)

  424. },

  425. Cycles = {

  426. Min = 3,

  427. Max = 30,

  428. WaitTime = 3,

  429. },

  430. CamShake = {

  431. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  432. {5.5, 20, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)

  433. 100, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)

  434. },

  435. Jumpscare = {

  436. false, -- Enabled/Disabled

  437. {

  438. Image1 = "rbxassetid://9002021052", -- Image1 url

  439. Image2 = "rbxassetid://9002021052", -- Image2 url

  440. Shake = true,

  441. Sound1 = {

  442. 6314880174, -- SoundId

  443. { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties

  444. },

  445. Sound2 = {

  446. 6314880174, -- SoundId

  447. { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties

  448. },

  449. Flashing = {

  450. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  451. Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), -- Color

  452. },

  453. Tease = {

  454. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  455. Min = 1,

  456. Max = 1,

  457. },

  458. },

  459. },

  460. CustomDialog = {"You have died to Mile", "if you see a flicker during 6 secondes Hide...", "Try again...", "This time you know how to beat him!"}, -- Custom death message

  461. })

  462. ------------------------

  463. Creator.runEntity(entity2)

  464. -- Run the created entity

  465. end)

  466. end

  467. end

  468. local function ZoO()

  469. repeat

  470. task.wait()

  471. until game.Workspace.CurrentRooms[game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value].Assets:FindFirstChild("Wardrobe")

  472. -- tween:Create(game.Lighting.MainColorCorrection,, {Contrast = 0.45}):Play()

  473. local ZoO = Creator.createEntity({

  474. CustomName = "200", -- Custom name of your entity

  475. Model = "", -- Can be GitHub file or rbxassetid

  476. Speed = 700, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed

  477. DelayTime = 10, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)

  478. KillRange=20,

  479. HeightOffset = 0,

  480. CanKill = true,

  481. BreakLights = true,

  482. BackwardsMovement = true,

  483. FlickerLights = {

  484. true, -- Enabled

  485. 6, -- Time (seconds)

  486. },

  487. Cycles = {

  488. Min = 4,

  489. Max = 4,

  490. WaitTime = 2,

  491. },

  492. CamShake = {

  493. true, -- Enabled

  494. {5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)

  495. 100, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)

  496. },

  497. Jumpscare = {

  498. true, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)

  499. {

  500. Image1 = "rbxassetid://11400868582", -- Image1 url

  501. Image2 = "rbxassetid://11400871105", -- Image2 url

  502. Shake = true,

  503. Sound1 = {

  504. 530591527, -- SoundId

  505. { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties

  506. },

  507. Sound2 = {

  508. 530591527, -- SoundId

  509. { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties

  510. },

  511. Flashing = {

  512. true, -- Enabled

  513. Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), -- Color

  514. },

  515. Tease = {

  516. false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)

  517. Min = 1,

  518. Max = 3,

  519. },

  520. },

  521. },

  522. CustomDialog = {"You died to 200.", "Don't even try to out-run him.", "Hide when you hear it."}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)

  523. })

  524. Creator.runEntity(ZoO)

  525. end

  526. function Baller()

  527. wait(50)

  528. game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom.Changed:Wait()

  529. local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  530. local Baller = Creator.createEntity({

  531. CustomName = "Tire", -- Custom name of your entity

  532. Model = 11830292849,

  533. KillRange=30,

  534. Speed = 200, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed

  535. DelayTime = 0, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)

  536. HeightOffset = 0,

  537. CanKill = false,

  538. BreakLights = false,

  539. FlickerLights = {

  540. false, -- Enabled

  541. 5, -- Time (seconds)

  542. },

  543. Cycles = {

  544. Min = 5,

  545. Max = 12,

  546. WaitTime = 3,

  547. },

  548. CamShake = {

  549. false, -- Enabled

  550. {5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)

  551. 1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)

  552. },

  553. Jumpscare = {

  554. false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)

  555. {

  556. Image1 = "", -- Image1 url

  557. Image2 = "", -- Image2 url

  558. Shake = false,

  559. Sound1 = {

  560. 8114441138, -- SoundId

  561. { Volume = 10 }, -- Sound properties

  562. },

  563. Sound2 = {

  564. 8114441138, -- SoundId

  565. { Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties

  566. },

  567. Flashing = {

  568. false, -- Enabled

  569. Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color

  570. },

  571. Tease = {

  572. false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)

  573. Min = 1,

  574. Max = 1,

  575. },

  576. },

  577. },

  578. })

  579. ------------------------

  580. -- Run the created entity

  581. Creator.runEntity(Baller)

  582. end

  583. caa2=10

  584. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function()

  585. getgenv().death = true

  586. end)

  587. workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(inst)

  588. wait(1)

  589. if inst.Name == "RushMoving" then

  590. BoolValue ="BoolValue")

  591. BoolValue.Name = "Nightmare"

  592. BoolValue.Parent = inst

  593. inst.RushNew.Attachment.ParticleEmitter.Texture = ""

  594. inst.RushNew.Attachment.ParticleEmitter.Brightness = 10

  595. repeat task.wait()

  596. until not inst:FindFirstChild("RushNew")

  597. if getgenv().death == false then

  598. AchievementsGet(NightmareRush)

  599. end

  600. a =game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value-1

  601. b=a+5

  602. repeat task.wait()

  603. until game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value >= b

  604. local BallerPas = coroutine.wrap(Baller)

  605. BallerPas()

  606. elseif == "AmbushMoving" then

  607. BoolValue ="BoolValue")

  608. BoolValue.Name = "Nightmare"

  609. BoolValue.Parent = inst

  610. inst.RushNew.Attachment.ParticleEmitter.Texture = ""

  611. inst.RushNew.Attachment.ParticleEmitter.Brightness = 10

  612. repeat task.wait()

  613. until not inst:FindFirstChild("RushNew")

  614. if getgenv().death == false then

  615. AchievementsGet(NightmareAmbush)

  616. end

  617. a =game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value-1

  618. b=a+2

  619. repeat task.wait()

  620. until game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom.Value >= b

  621. ZoO()

  622. BallerPas()

  623. end

  624. end)

  625. i1=3

  626. i2=5

  627. i3=2

  628. Be=false

  629. function TraumaSpawn()

  630. while true do

  631. wait(100)

  632. local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

  633. -- Create entity

  634. local Trauma = Creator.createEntity({

  635. CustomName = "Trauma", -- Custom name of your entity

  636. Model = "11546178972", -- Can be GitHub file or rbxassetid

  637. Speed = 600, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed

  638. DelayTime = 5,

  639. KillRange=80,-- Time before starting cycles (seconds)

  640. HeightOffset = 1,

  641. CanKill = true,

  642. BreakLights = true,

  643. BackwardsMovement = true,

  644. FlickerLights = {

  645. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  646. 5, -- Time (seconds)

  647. },

  648. Cycles = {

  649. Min = 1,

  650. Max = 1,

  651. WaitTime = 2,

  652. },

  653. CamShake = {

  654. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  655. {5.5, 50, 0.5, 2}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)

  656. 100, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)

  657. },

  658. Jumpscare = {

  659. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  660. {

  661. Image1 = "nil", -- Image1 url

  662. Image2 = "rbxassetid://11278624160", -- Image2 url

  663. Shake = true,

  664. Sound1 = {

  665. 10483790459, -- SoundId

  666. { Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties

  667. },

  668. Sound2 = {

  669. 10483837590, -- SoundId

  670. { Volume = 1000 }, -- Sound properties

  671. },

  672. Flashing = {

  673. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  674. Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), -- Color

  675. },

  676. Tease = {

  677. true, -- Enabled/Disabled

  678. Min = 1,

  679. Max = 3,

  680. },

  681. },

  682. },

  683. CustomDialog = {"You died to Trauma...", "Use what you've learned from Rush and Ambush!","This Mob Randomly Spawns Theres No Patten to it"}, -- Custom death message

  684. })

  685. -----[[ Advanced ]]-----

  686. ------------------------

  687. -- Run the created entity

  688. Creator.runEntity(Trauma)

  689. end

  690. end

  691. pcall(function()

  692. local DepthPas = coroutine.wrap(Depth)

  693. DepthPas()

  694. end)

  695. pcall(function()

  696. local TraumaPas = coroutine.wrap(TraumaSpawn)

  697. TraumaPas()

  698. end)

  699. pcall(function()

  700. local SmilerPas = coroutine.wrap(SmilerSpawn)

  701. SmilerPas()

  702. end)

  703. pcall(function()

  704. local VhsSansPas = coroutine.wrap(VhsSansSpawn)

  705. VhsSansPas()

  706. end)

DoorsHardcoreMode V1.0.6 - (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

Last Updated:

Views: 5846

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.