The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

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Pmmoonotemlim I mommmEMIMMIkalEIMMEKINEEEMI 9f nn JOURNIVE LINERS I I IRS i NT I I I 0 II INT A -71-- --T Don't Forget Don't Ford et nity any I I op- 1 rge li Ibe I ost Ill to- ill That resolution you made last year that you would never again wait until the last days before buying your XMAS DOLLS AND TOYS when stocks amp depleted and crowds are annoying Our stock NOW is better than ever cwing to DELAYED SHIPMENTS just opened Classified (want) ads 5c a line each insertion count six words to the line No ad taken for les than 15 cents 'Phone 343 or mail your ad if you canont bring it to the office Clas-sified ads received by 1 will appear same day Situations wanted published free When answering these ads rlease mention The Journal Per line one time 5- Per line up to 10 times 4C Per line over 10 times -1 an red to the jail account Motion carried 'near janitor granted a 15- days' leave of absence provided he puts a competent man In his place Mr Alexander authorized to have a bridge built over the slough on the Mocringsport and Greenwood road Perroncel parish treasurer then made his report presented vouchers which were checked cancelled and burned lyy order of and in presence of the jury and saki treasurer accorded a full and complete acquittance to December 10 1953 'Statemont or (7 Perroncel ish treasurcr in a-ecilnt with Caddo p1r'911 from Nov 12 1903 to Dec 10 190:3: red to the Jail account Motion car- Med 'near janitor gran ted a 15- dave Inn" 1--- I 000 ji*z AL4 5 I WANTED-HELP "THE FAIR" WANTED 1 FOR SALE 224 TEXAS IMEMMUIr -11ENWO011Mno -nmAmemosia i M1MINIMSMEimm oak china cios- POSITION by experienced refrigerat- ing engineer at either opera ct 713 Travis St erecting or overhauling At 1u: Engineer this office rn I INI-T-Pv COUNTRY PRODUCE I1T )11 M4 EXPENSES advanced and $1500 weelcly travel through Louisiana permanent with advancement General Manager 1604 Manhattan B1Pding Chicago POLICE JURY N'rt7(E flok 1-atz I 111 Ilail I I- 1 A---- LI idr vtil Offcial Proceed irls of Regular Meet-ONE NimiT ing lick December 10 1303 TUESDAY i- rl BE 15 TUE MATTRESSES to IReceiving uaily of VIP-GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE wool moss cr hair Best work No keys chickens and FRESH seller on top of earth i work charged Shreveport Mtg Co TRy and Produce Parker la 200000 sold Agent's profit 40 per 3 A 'our room cottagc 721-72 Texa St cent Territory sample 20c Par- RECEIPTS To ea-11 from Mrs A L- Durinver clerk sale of Old 5 00 To cn-h from Keith s1 of old Illmhor 2 00 To overdrlft in Fln4 7Tat771111 bank tliis date 10124 21 neighborhood Address ticulars by return Rok Chemical to deliver paper Ap- i Box 403 Co Denver Cob i i ply at Journal office ANTED--Ten boy to seli the Jour- CIGAR bands and tobacco tags will nal on coma ES On Apply at 3 pay good price En his quire once TO THE you any re- il pairing at your home? Do you need o'clock 1 WANTilD---s-wiag naacrInes to re I boys to sell the Journal on Apply aL 3 o'clock Spring St a coal or wood house fenec keys fitted window panes or furniture repaired or any other kind of wood work done? If so phone 1129 and I will call at once Fred Wilder New Home l'oohet MAN AND do the work of cy-ner Carte I dealer in a home Apply 713 Travis St I -Wheeler illustrated catalogue ex- Household Se-A Lg plains how we teach barber trade in 381 and 1080 short time mailed free Moler Col- WOOD AND CO lege New Orleans La pair Foster Carter dealer iu Ct110ard Wheeler -vhsoa IlouFehold Se-A ig 381 and 1080 WOOD AND COAL FOR SALE to deliver paper Apply at Journal office Shreveport Dee 10 190:3 The poll( jury of Caddo parish Engagent of La met this 10th day of D2cembir HoWARDKYL r- 1903 in rogular session Keth prosikling with the following a ival of Parker hers present: Alexander ithekabv romante drama Hutchinson lonlihouse Means Nwl ed'n Penick Rives -Harkey Wintor iA 2 "-1 in rid Nun- ROSEiviAhy a Minutes of last meeting read and for Remembrance-) approved On motion of Mr Rives Wynn Greatest success in the history of Means and Huckabay are hereby ap- pointed a committee to have bridge Ae Empire Theater New York city built over Kelly bayou on Vivian and Gilliam road at a cost not to exceed Direction of Geo Brennan 6100 BAND OPEllit HOUSE Ferry in Moorngsport and Halo road continued WEDNESDAY DEC 16 Change in wagon roal ward eiht John Fisher's Stupendous $50000 convnued By mrrivPs the approprin- Thtin of $150 a yar for maintenance eff the calet at Baton Rouge be for a four year term to be paid upon SiIvee Sipper rled cl-aft ef the university Motion car a fevival of Loa Is Parker hers present: Alexander Ithekabv aUtiful rornante drama Hutchinson 'Ionlihoul-e Means NoI ed11 Penick Rives 'Harkey Wintor 2 0 9 iv A v-1 in and Young Noun I I Minutes of last meeting read and ft)r Remembrance-) approved On motion of Mr Rives Wynn Greatest success in the history of Means and Huckabay are hereby op- pointed a committee to have bridge -te Empire Theater New York city built over Kelly bayou on Vivian and Gilliam road at a cost not to exceed Direction of Geo Brennan 6100 ARANO OPERA liOUSE Change in and Halo Ferry road continued WEDNESDAY DEC 16 Change in wagon road ward ei2ht John Fisher's Stupendous $50000 conti nued i By tho appropria- trm Of $150 a year for maintenance The the calet at Baton Rouge be for a four year term to be paid upon ilvesli Slipper of the university Motion ear- tied the 1 boys to sell the Jour-1 stove and fire-place nal on commission Apply at 3 or heater Cash on the spot Old o'clock 1 new and long-distance phones 6(33 REAL ESTATE Shreveport Mfg Co boys to sell the Jour- i SEASONED ash stove wood also oak nal on commission Apply at 3 all sizes RoacAh Co near o'clock 'ye Jo I- A Jo' 7S dm A SURE will advance in the spring We have some bargains in eity and country property bearing and vacant A only $30 per acre is 12 1-2c per pound 173 or new 278 Office Murray Co I Total $10111 21 Ditri DISBURSPMENTS et attorney fund paid out nn warrants 165 00 District clerk fund paid out on Bridg warrants 56 25 fund paid out on warrants 9713 SI Fern- fund paid out on war- rants 51:50 Criminal fund paid out on w-arrants 113 50 Public road fund paid out 0n warrants 1500 00 Pauper orphanage and fund paid out on war- rants 138 00 Salary fund paid out on warrants 376 S7 Printing fund paid out on warrants 15 SS Incidental fund paid out on warrants 2073 05 wih--- fun paid secretary Jt -7 -1 By the Authors of "Floredora- clr nronositicns to soli from ---tq 1YrIrt from marsous '--'13ntlis "4 50 of land within a ram 0---7r ri yrt-n raa at tho Br-)a1-vay Thoater Nt 7 ycrk with -r 10 of Shreveport for' at bank y-)v 9 1901 0 9n0 95 ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE -'1 of a parish farm Ca-- rd Total $10131 21 Special Orchestra Piye reports ba''- JAIL Accou-NT Forming in its entirety the most gor- t-1 oredit of c-cm-vtl roads fund Overdraft in 171----t National geus attractkm ever seen on cf $7c676 bank -1903 $R905 t79 the American stage SPECIAL PRICES mr (141n reportp bridges repaired Not any change in this ac-ount Seats on Sale Saturday at 9 am Mr 'levaroler was on motion al- since le--t sta ont Nov 12 1903 c-- lowol ar! tlitionll 25 cents per fort Examinod P'fi faund correct to this 10-(yo in bis ward Ldate anti vo17-1-rs turned in nrei-- since Nov 12 1901 Examincd correct to this date and voils 'burned in Dr ran Icr For gec the Sea I molasses factory foot of McNeil erty revenue once active and ener-1 street Both phones 929 Red river placq getic yard boy not afraid to work yin en cotton i fiRcieng5a2111mpabrkoente Wood and Coal best qualities delivered Apply 713 Travis street 1 in any guar titles both phones 1424 GO TO -c I Poleman Voisin Mildred street 3ACHELOR'S KITCHEN a i McNeil street today and get a goad i WILLIAMS' WOOD YARD No 225 4 dinner I Commerce street will saw and split your wood at your residence Our V' i-1--Ladie learn hairdress- i is on wlieels Old phonc I 'A At 1 IV 1005 I T-1 in- an4 facial i massage 1 I I Ai li Ul ilig iill No 1005 II 74i revenue Red river place when cotton Ring old phone 522 Market Four weelis conpletes Catalogue College New Orleans COAL I 23 117 3 nit Wig HELP BST McAlester Coal Shreveport livery Co Ltd Prompt delivery Phone 272 bright energetic boys and girls above the age of 15 Apply at the Journal office ADVERTISE IN THE Coal and Wood best qualities delivered in any quantities both phones 1424 Poleman Voisin Mildred streat FOOD FOR FANS The Parlor Base Ball Game makes every play See Montgomery at 618 Market street The greatest invention of the kind on the market 1 RESTAURANT Zi II i'l a il I) 7-t a ''f-t il 1 'k DA A FOR RENT THOSE EXTRA selected oysters al Bachelor's Kitchen 522 Me Nei street are beauties tboy are fresb Just in street are beauties tboy are fresh Just in -THURSDAY EVENING DEC 17 MeFsrs Shubert and Nixon Zimmerman's beautiful preentatiGn cf the International Mu-Elea' Comedy triumph ROOMS TO nicely fur- nished rooms for gentlemen only each with street openings indepen- ADS ARE THE LATCH-dent with the other Apply at 228 KEYS To THE DOOR OF rnospnal Caddo street corner of Market TY THE KEYS COST 13117T LITTLE AND YOU WILL NEED THEM FOR OUR LINERS BRING RESULTS 1 THE INMATES ARE TOO BUSY TO 4 4 I ANSWER THE DOOR BELL Holiday Excursions On December 24 25 31 and January 1 the Cotton Belt Route will sell round trip tickets to all points within 200 miles at greatly reduced rates All ticktes limited until January 4 A CHINESE HONEYWIOON Bradford contractor on iiridge over Black bayou to build earth wfir ic apprcachs to the bridge as per contract was on motion of Mr permission to bridge of fiiing approach to said bridge within ten days at his own expense Wynn Means and Iftickabay were on motion authorized to have bulit a rat '1Ymt at Erwin Ferry It)oley bayou briilge compl--ted and paid for at a co-it of $2 692 on motion of Mr Winter the secretary was instructed to advertise for hils for steel bridge at Erwin Trutt approximating 2:30 feet bidcz be opened at next meeting of the jury -T ESTRAY NOTICE I NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Not a val-ar line or sl----Pctive ccs-! tame in the nroductit-in 425 time at the Casino Theateri New York City Two years in Lorylon and still run- ning The best largest an1 most expensive I company in America 1 100 hundrel in Grand Ensemble Sp-(ial Price for this Enzagerric-at! presence of the jury WINTER HARKEY Shreveport 11 Dec 10 1903 The following accounts allowed: Pridz7e Odom $3750: A Alexander $25: Keith $1S64 Aanderson Heath and Sanitation IT Dennis $104300 Print7n7 Incidental Ho3-er $1400 Dr Ledbetter $400: Carter Drug- Co $920: Grand Leader $15: Warinz 20 ecnts: Vordenbaurrien Eastharn 10 cents: A Kahn :10 cents: Barefield $t375: Groner Sons $1200 Accounts of Tornkles Co and Droyfuss Dry floods Co referred to finance committee Accounts paid since rneetng November 12 1903: Gas Account November $(1255 Z1519: Dr rot! Tr111: Hughes $1500 Land Lucar r0 cents Shreveport flivery Co $234 Lucnr $150: Torn 'Watkins $:10: WM Jacobs ineuests $40 Wilscrn Jenkins $17100: Land $75 II Bernathy $29: ITasie Jr $2G9200 On motion the jury adjourned to meet in regular sesion the second Thursday in January 1904 KEITH President A DURINGER Clerk A Dividend Paying Christ mas Gilt Me Taken up by Arthur Moore three Department of the Interior 'Land Of- I orsheim Bros runes south of Jewel la and estrayed flee at Natchitoches La November 18- before me the undersigned justice of 1903--Notice is hereby given that the DRY GOODS COMPANY the peace Seventh Ward Caddo par- following-named settler has filed notice LIMITED ish La the following described of his intention to make final proof in stock: (1) one red cow marked swal- support of his claim and that said R-Iclusive Wholesale low fork in left ear and two splits in proof will be made before Clerk Dis- Dealers in right oar branded has calf about 7 trict Court at Shreveport La on Jan- months old (1) one red cow with nary 4 1904 viz: Homestead Entry DRY GOODS NOTIONS BOOTti-- bell on marked same as above has a 7208 James Brooks of Hale La for the SHOES AND HATS calf about 3 months old (1) one Jer southeast quarter southeast quarter sey colored cow no marks or brand se3tion 10 southwest quarter south- SHERlFir SALE (1) one Jersey colored cow marked west quarter section 11 northeast No S4011 First Judicial District crop off of right ear has a calf about quarter northeast quarter section 15 and northwest quarter northwest quar- Court of Caddo Parish Pau- I year old The owner or owners will He names the following witnesses tn Linman and Husband vs A please come forward prove property ter section 14 township 22 range 15 Lf-cy Tutor I pay charges or the stock will be sold prove his continuous residence upon By virtue of a writ of fleri facias on the premises on the 12th day of to me issued in the above entitled I December 1903 as the law directs and cultivation of said land viz: I and numbered suit by the Honora- A HENDRICK Hale Hale Hawkins A ale First Judicial District Court of 1 Seventh Ward Caddo Parish La Lozue all of Hale Caddo Parish La I have seized I The Journal Nov 12 1903 ERNEST BREDA Register tnd will offer for sale at public The Journal Nov 19 1903 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION atv'tion for cash according to law ior Department of the Inter Land without the benefit of appraisem*nt 124 1 irIril OTIV Office at Natchitches La November at the principal house of fronaddo parish in the dc-or of the 7 is hereby given that l'ilir GUIZES court the following-named settler has filed city of Shreveport La during the the notice of his intention to make final gal hours for sales on ON GALVANIZED CISTERNS SATURDAY JANUARY 9 1901 TIN WORK ROOFING AND the following described property to- GUTTERING ANY 07 wit: the interest of the minor heirs i DESCRIPTION of Lizzie Lacybeing an undivided one- I half interest in and to the following described property viz: AIDA NIS SON' I Go to Cahn's Book Store 1 for your Xmas Gifts No 1513 Market Street If you wish to make a present that will furnish the wherewithal to buy Chi-ist-1 mas presents a year now give your wife or sister or son or daughter one of i those $300 Douglas Island lots These lots will Mete I than double in value during the ensuing year A present like that is useful in every sense of the word We have! only 9 lots to sell at that price situated on Adams Avenue about 8 minutes walk from Texas street: Such a lot at such a price is a monumental bargain Re- I member the time in which to buy is brief The Douglas Island Land Improvement Co Ltd AGMS Pres JOHN TALBOT Sec'y WARD TWO P-tition for el(T-ction to take the Of the pop lf- Of Ward Two on sle or prohibition of sale of read and laid over under the rules WARD FOUR Yr presented accounts of Dr Dennis tT S1nf101 for treatment of small pox patients at or near Jewella which was alloWed Mr Jack presented a petition from Mrs Rosalind Taber and Pickett asking that the a11fS in Bloc Thornhill subdivision be elcsed Petition Mid over under the rules Moved by Mr Noel and acrried that the reward of $0 for the conviction of any violation of the prohibition laws be Irv-I-eased to WO On motion the secretary was instructed to write to the United States Internal Revenue Collector for a complete list of persons in the parish paying liquor license By Mr the secretary advertise for bids for operating ferries in the parish for the year 1904 Carried By Mr the finance committee be and are hereby authorized to buy a clock for the courtroom By Mr the president be and is hereby anthorized to sign warrant for $1200 interest On $00000 bonds to be paid to MileriCEITI Exchange Bank New York to January 1 1904 By Mr the president be and is hereby authorized to sign warrant for $1000 interest on $50000 bonds to January 1 1904 By Mr the president be and is hereby authorized to sign warrant for special railroad taxes collected on anti Ry to be paid to Western Real Estate and Agency lected On anti Ily to De palii to Western Real Estate and Agency Telephone 895 514 Marshal! Street proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the District Court at Shreveport La on January 5 1904 viz: Homestead Entry 7289 William Griffin of Shreveport La for the north half northeast quarter section 28 township 18 north range 14 west Louisiana meridian He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: John Searles Andrew Estes Daniel Mose ly Phillip Shad-rack all of Shreveport La ERNEST BREDA Register The Journal Nov 9 1903 proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the District Court at Shreve- port La on January 5 1901 viz: Homestead Entry 7289 William Grif- fin of Shreveport La for the north half northeast quarter section 28 Shreveport Veterinary Hospital 111 CITY MARSHAL'S SALE No 2048--S Ward vs Castile and Wife By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issacd in the above entitled and 1111Mberel suit by Hon Cal Hicks jtzdge of City Court Shreveport La and to me directed I have seized and Will sell at public auction at the Texas street front door of the court house of Caddo parish between the legal hours for such sales on MONDAY DEC 21 1903 at 11 o'clock am: 1 bed-room suit 1 wardrobe 1 set of pictures 2 hanging mirrors 20 shades 8 toilet sets 1 folding bed 1 wash stand 1 dresser 4 bed-room suits 4 extra beds 1 carpet 1 stairs carpet 1 lot of matting I stove and utesils 1 set of kitchen furniture 2 dining tables 8 center tables 12 dining chairs 6 rockers 2 heating stoves 1 wardrobe 1 book case and desk 12 lamps Terms of sale cash subject to VETERINARIAN Cor Market and Caddo Sts 'Phone 9 Quiet and comfortable quarters for all sick animals Lots 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 of block 9 of the Shepherd George subdivision of the north half of northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 1 township 17 range 14 situated in the parish of Caddo Louisiana with all buildings and improvements thereon Said property seized as belonging to the defendants and to be sold to satisfy the debt specified in the said writ In the sum of seven hundred 00-100 dollars with interest thereon from February 11 1896 until paid at the rate of 8 per cent per annum and also 5 per cent on the whole sum as attorney's fees and all costs of the suit WARD Sheriff of Caddo Parish La Journal December 4 1903 ORLEANS New Orleans at the Next to ESTRAY COW SALE Token up by A Bauman at his residence south of Howard Cole addition in the city of Shreveport On the th or lOth days of December 1903 arid estrayed before me one light brown and white cow bead and neck black white spot in forehead No marks or brands visible Horns cut (-13-e to head Has young suckling calf The owner will come forward prove property and poly-charges Or the cow and calf will be sold according to law at the courthouse of Or the cow and calf will be sold ac- cording to law at the courthouse of SUCCESSION NOTICE No District Court Par DR Ad: le MAITRE ish of Caddo State of From French Navy Surgeon Succession of John Dorden Scientile Massage teaches Ladies' Notice is hereby given that Mrs Clubs foils fencing and dancing will Ellen Dorden has this day filed her develop young ladies' and any'youthe final account in said succession and elegAnce and strength references at unless opposition be made thereto hand Office over Shreveport Nation-within the time specified by law the al rank same will be duly hom*ologated as prayed for Be More Specific Please Witness the Honorable Bell Senator Platt says "Senator Hanna judge of said court this the 16th day is as much in favor of the nominaof November 1903 lion of President Roosevelt as I A LEONARD Clerk And bow much Is that The Journal by mail 5 per year i Washington Post SAM ROGERS RACES AT NEW 0111 Cad'10 Parish on Thursday January Co City Marshal mpany Results of California an The Journal Dec 9 1903 14 1904 D-- Mr all funds that i leans races received dail CAL HICKS City Judge may arise in excess of the appropria-1 The Journal delivered by carrier 60 Shreveport Turf Exchange he Journal Dec 13 1903 Cons provided for shall be transfer- cents a month lphoenix Hotel RACES AT NEW Results of California and races received daily Turf Exchange.

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The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.