New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung from New Braunfels, Texas (2024)

Herald-Zeltung, New Braunfels, Texas Sunday, October 22, 1989 Page 3B Boyers, Lange marry in double-ring ceremony Bilynda Gay Boyers and Phillip Nathaniel Scott Lange were married Sept. 23 in a double-ting ceremony at Faith Lutheran Church in Seguin. Pastor William F. Lange, father of the groom, officiated at the 4 p.m. vows.

Roxanne Heckman played the trumpet for the ceremony and Annette Stout was organist. The bride is the daughter of Jimaleah Boyers and William C. Boyers, both of San Antonio and the groom is the son of Pastor and Mrs. William F. Lange of Seguin.

Escorted by her brother Paul the bride wore a' gown of brocade satin with a curving dropped waistline and plunging backline accented with 24 satin-covered buttons. The skirt extended to semi-cathedral-length train. A fingertip veil fell from a headpiece of silk flowers and pearls, The bride carried a bouquet of star. gazer lilies and burgundy roses. Dawn Cook was maid of honor.

Bridesmaids were Debbie Eldridge, Activities The Altwein-Schwarzlose Family Reunion will be Oct. 22 at Saenger.halle. Registration at 10 a.m, 1 Noon meal at 12:30 p.m. Bring a meat dish and one other of vegetables, etc. Coffee and tea will be furnished, along with plates and utensils.

Program at 2 p.m. Canyon Lake Retired Teachers Association will 1 meet Oct.23 at 9:30 a.m. at the Canyon Lake United Methodist Church. Lucille Biegel, local representative to the Silver Haired Legislature, will present the program. AARP will offer a 55-Alive Defensive Driving Class Oct.

25 and 26 from 1 to 5 p.m. There are two fourhour classes being given at the Senior Citizens Center, 142 Comal Ave. Cost is $7. Call 629-1161 or 629-1516 to register in advance. The class is open to anyone 55 and older.

The Bulgerin Family Reunion will be Oct. 29 at the Albert Kypfer (Hermann Sons) Hall at Clear Springs between Seguin and New Braunfels. The reunion will start about 11 a.m. and the meat will be served at 12:30 Bring a meat dish and a vegetable -or dessert. Utensils and drinks will be furnished.

Also bring an item for the country auction. Spread the word. New Braunfels Service League will hold its October meetings Oct. 23 at 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Coffee will be served at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Speaker will be New Braunfels Police Officer Mark Bryan, who will discuss the in New Braunfels. Marsch und Wandergruppe will meet Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m.

at the Legion Home. Final details for the Wurstfest Volksmarsch Nov. 4 and 5 be worked out. Al Anon Family Groups will host 1a Meeting on Wheels Oct. 24 at the Center, 511 North for interested in learning more about program.

Al Anon Family Groups up a fellowship of men and women whose lives have been by the obsessive drinking of a family member or friend. The meeting begin at 8 p.m. Rob Mosbacher, who is announcting his candidacy for lieutenant governor on the Republican ticket, will be in Braunfels Oct. 31 at 2:30 p.m. to meet with interested persons at Pat's in the Park.

Interested persons are invited come for coffee and to meet Mosbascher. For more information, call Dona Tina McDonnell and Patricia Murphy. They wore forest green taffeta Mr. and Mrs. Bruns at 625-0872 or Jan Kennady at 625-6739.

Book Review Club will meet Oct. 25 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Senior Citizens Center, 142 Comal, when Carmen Sittel will review Kirk Douglas' Ragman's Son. Coffee will be served at 9:30 a.m. Membership is $10 per year, Guests are $2 donation.

New Braunfels Masonic Lodge No. 1109 called mecting Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m, at the Masonic Hall to confer an M.M. Degree. A meal will be served at 6:30 p.m.

Concerned Citizens Coalition will meet at 7 p.m. Oct. 24 at First Federal Savings and Loan building. Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group will meet Oct. 27 at 10 a.m.

at the Garza Street classroom across from McKenna Memorial Hospital's main entrance to discuss "The Family and the Breastfeeding Baby." Youngsters are welcome. Call Kate Mathis at 629-2056 for more information. San Antonio Dollmakers' Guild will meet at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 23 at the Trinity Baptist Church's Ruble Center, Room 700, in San Antonio.

The Guild meets each month on the fourth Monday and new members arc welcome. Contact Marga Gerardi al 629-4053 or Barbara Coderre at 623-1126 for more information. H.O.P.E., a support group for female survivors of child sexual abuse, meets Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Southlake Baptist Church, 77 FM 3159, at Canyon Lake, across from GVTC. The organizational meeting of the New Braunfels Kinderchor will be Oct.

22 at 5 p.m. at the Bavarian Village. Children age 5 through 12 who are interested in singing German songs and who have a German costume arc welcome. For more information, call Helgard Suhr at 625-6330 or Dorothy Harborth at 659-0345 (day). Saddle Slappers 4-H Club will meet Oct.

22 at 2 p.m. at the Sheriff's Posse Arena. For more information, call 629-7506. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7110 and Auxiliary mect the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. "Paperweight Buttons" by John Gooderham will be the program at the Oct.

25 meeting of the New Braunfels tea-length dresses accented with deep V'd backs. Attendants carried bou- Phillip Lange Area Button Club at Eden Apartments, 627 Lakeview Drive. Gooderham is to be the guest at the Oct. 21 Texas Paperweight Collectors Association convention. That group's president Harvey Jones also will be a guest at the New Braunfels mecting.

Gooderham is one of the few paperweight makers today and members arc asked to bring their paperweight buttons to the meeting. American Legion 179 Post and Auxiliary meet on the first Thursday of cach month. The Post meets at 8 p.m. and the Auxiliary meets at 7:30 p.m. Descendants of Carl and Elisabeth Ackermann Schaefer are invited to attend the ninth reunion of the Schaefer Family at the Sangerhalle Nov.

5. Registration will begin at 10 a.m. Those attending are asked to bring a meat dish and one other dish of your choice (vegetable or dessert). Coffee and ice tea will be furnished. Paper plates, cups, knives and forks will be furnished.

Bring spoons for your covered dishes. Cibolo Hermann Sons Lodge will have its Fall Benefit Oct. 29 at Goerke's Country Tavern on Weil Road in Marion, Food will be sold beginning at 4 p.m. and a turkey bingo will start at 5 p.m. The New Braunfels High School Band Boosters Club is planning the first annual NBHS Band Alumni tamale-chili supper at the high school cafetorium Jan.

13. All former NBHS Band members, former Band Booster Club members and guests are encouraged to attend. Anyone interested in helping or serving as a class representative is encouraged to attend. For more information, call Julie Michic at 625-1704. Parents Without Partners on Oct.

25, the PWP will have a family potluck to which the public is invited. The event will be at 292 S. Sycamore. Call 625-6278 for more info. The Cancer Support Group, sponsored by Southwest Oncology Associates, Hospice New Braunfels and McKenna Memorial Hospital, meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

in the Garza Street classroom across the street from the hospital's entrance. New Braunfels Multiple Sclerosis Support Group has been organized to provide information and assistance to SEE A NEW COULD WISH SEE I IT FIRST" AFTER ASK YOUR 3 STYLIST NEW IMAGE FOR DETAILS 625-8080 Gaston's CONSULTATION Exclusively FREE NEW COUPON IMAGE A with haircut etyle (885 value) 1551 Walnut ask for Augie, Janie JoLynn The Oaks Shopping Center Offer expires 10-81-89 quets of stargazer lilies. Flower girl was Kristen Eldrige, daughter of Bo and Debbie Eldridge. Best man was Chris Lange. Groomsmen were Bo Eldridge, Rich Ehlers, and Paul Boyers.

Ushers were Scott Roessing and Eric Ernst. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Faith Lutheran Church Activity Center. Assisting in serving were Willis Stemple, Carla Stemple, Farilyn Nance, Judy Nolte, Cathy Wensinger, Jeanette Mayer, Lisa Mayer, and Carolyn Spillers. Kasha Wilhelm was in charge of the bride's book. After a wedding trip to Durango, the couple is at home in New Braunfels where the groom is employed by the City of New Braunfels and the bride is employed by Becker Motor Inc.

Pastor and Mrs. William F. Lange hosted the rehearsal party at The Oak in Seguin. Decorations were in a southwestern motif. MS patients and their families.

The group meets the fourth Thursday of the month where available information is discussed. For more information, call Missy May at 625-6004; Henry Reeves, 625-9614; or Dee Ryden, 625-0335. The free nutrition lectures sponsored by local physicians will be presented on the first four Mondays of cach month at. 5:30 p.m, in the Garza Street classroom across from the main entrance to McKenna Memorial Hospital. The topic for Oct.

23 is pre-natal nutrition- eating for your baby's health. There is no charge for attending these lectures. Ballet Folklorico Infantil meets and practices at Landa Recreation Center every Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. in the downstairs gym. First month's lessons are free and lessons arc for ages 5 and up.

For information about lessons or performances, call Director Janie Gonzales at 629-1737, or visit the rec center Wednesday night. New Braunfels High School Class of 1954 plans its 35th reunion for Nov. 3 and 4. A reception will be at Schwamkrug's Party Room from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov.

3, followed by the homecoming football game at Unicorn Stadium at 7:30 p.m. At 9 a.m. Nov. 4, the group will have a buffet breakfast at Krause's and will tour the NBHS the class attended on Guenther Street. To finalize the weekend, the group will attend Wurstfest that night.

New Braunfels Community Chorale is rehearsing for the fall concert celebrating the 10th anniversary. Bill Kretzmeier is the director and urges all who enjoy singing to join the Chorale. No auditions are required and a wide variety of music is presented. Weekly rehearsals on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the Friendship Room at Eden Home.

For information, call Bob Klicfoth at 629-6770. We Lose 10 lbs in two weeks. Up to 25 lbs in six weeks. Our counselors will show soul how to lose weight quickly. fool grvat, and keep the weight off.

Socall now for a free consultation. Diet DIET (ENTER The weight-loss 1297 Common St. 629-6505 WE'RE MOVING SOON Watch for our new location Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haeckers silver wedding Ralph and Gladys Hacker of Garden Ridge were honored by their children, Julie, Suzanna and Michael, at a dinner and dance to commemorate their 25th wedding anniversary Oct.

21, 1989, at the Bexar Social Hall in Zuchl. Present for the celebration were their grandchildren, Cody and Cadence Roberts; Gladys' parents, Adolph and Mary Scheel of Converse; and their bridal party, which included Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Golla and Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Hild of Schertz, Elton Scheel of Bracken, Pat- WAGNER HAUS PHOTOGRAPHY Ralph Haecker honored on anniversary sy Gonzales of San Antonio, James Kochler of Gonzales, Joan Mayer and Hugo Lucnsmann of Marion, Kenneth Dolle of New Braunfels, and Georgene Steffen of Seguin. Mr. and Mrs. Hacker were married in St. Monica's Catholic Church on Oct.

17, 1964, by the Rev. George Stubben. A video of the wedding was available for vicwing during the celebration. Approximately 450 relatives and friends attended the anniversary party. MAKE IT'S because you can fit Weight Watchers into your everyday life.

You'll be able THE to foods enjoy and your not still feel favorite SMART lose IT'S weight. because with our MOVE. you amazing can lose Quick Program weight faster than ever. Weight IT'S because, right now, can join Weight Watchers: only Watchers $10. for It's the easiest way FOR to lose weight JOIN NOW in the world First Meeting Fee 8.00 money tool Regular Price.

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Portrait sizes approximate. Christmas background available at no extra charge. Hurry! Limited Time Offer! Wednesday, October 25 thru Sunday, October 29 Daily: 10AM-7PM Sunday: Store Opening Until 1 Hour Prior to Closing 1050 Interstate Highway 35 North, New Braunfels East Court Street, Seguin PCA, Inc. 1909 give you belter portraits mart AGFA Pippucts.

New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung from New Braunfels, Texas (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.