Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (2024)

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Digimon World: Next Order was released for the PS4 on January 31st, 2017 in the United States, January 27th, 2017 in the European Union and in Japan on February 26, 2017 under the name “Digimon World: Next Order International Edition”. Digimon World: Next Orderwas released on March 17, 2016 in Japan for the Playstation Vita with different difficulty, sidequests and graphics. Next Order is a direct sequel to Digimon World that was released in 1999 by Bandai for Playstation.Akin to DW (Digimon World), DWNO (Digimon World: Next Order) is full of complex raising procedures in order to get the Digimon you desire. Much like the original Digimon World game, many things are unexplained and left for the player to piece together. Your task is to raise your partner Digimon while recruiting Digimon who used to live in the city of Floatia. However, I will be here to help explain and guide you throughout your early journey in the Digital World with some tips and advice for new players to keep in mind.


  • Train in the Gym
  • Battle Wild Digimon
  • Collect Materials (Collect Materials in the wild and then go back to the city to drop the off.)
  • Level up your Tamer Level (Tamer Level gets increase while you care for Digimon, walk around and sending back materials to the city.)
  • Save Often

Firstly, What should/can you do? In this game, your foremost goal is to recruit the old Digimon residents; but, that is easier said than done. You will need strong Digimon to help you on your journey, so you can either train in the gym or battle other wild Digimon. I suggest the player train in the gym until you get Rookies (you start off with Babies). Once you have Rookies you should be able to hold your own in the wild for a bit. I prefer gym over battles, because in the beginning of the game, you will not gain that much stats after a fight.

Secondly, you would want to collect materials that are scattered throughout the land. You can not do much in the early areas in terms of using said materials; simply collecting them gives you tamer experience based on how much materials you sent back to town. You can press start to bring up the map which will allow you to see important landmarks, Digimon, and resources.

Thirdly, you would want to battle wild Digimon in order to gain bits (the game’s currency), tamer experience, items drops and stat gains. Try your hand at battles against the level 1 Goblimons (green goblin monsters) as any rookie should not have any issue against them. Once you get stronger rookies, you may tackle the level 2 Goblimons. At night, you will see some Numemons (green slime monsters), please approach with caution as they are stronger than Goblimons. Generally you want to train in the gym until you can beat the stronger wild Digimon. Avoid red name Digimon until you are absolutely certain you can fall them in battle; they are quite troublesome to handle when your Digimon are young.

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (1)

Lastly, save often as you may think you are ready for a fight or you were not expecting one, and it forced itself on you. When you lose in battle, most likely, your Digimon will be injured or severely injured. You must use bandages or medicine on them to alleviate the symptom; failure to do so will make them die faster. Medicine is very expensive in the game, so it is best to save them and avoid careless using of the item.


  • Wild Digimon are stronger than the main story Digimon. Red bar Digimon are a warning to avoid, if not, you are going to have a tough fight.
  • Focus on either 1) Training, 2)Material collecting, 3) Battling. Obtain the Tamer skills for each focus you are going for. I personally did material collecting with training in the gym about 60/40 ratio.
  • Tamer skills are not adjustable (at least not until you progressed throughout the game significantly and at that point its too late) so be certain you absolutely need that skill.
  • Battle 15-20 wild Digimon as a Rookie so you can Digivolve into Champions.
  • Battle 25-40wild Digimon as a Champion so you can Digivolve into Ultimates.
  • Battle 45-55wild Digimon as a Ultimate so you can Digivolve into Megas.
  • Best early bits will come from Fugamon who resides on the right hand side of Vast Plateau when you leave the town. OR
  • Catch fish and sell them for a decent profit. If you go this route please invest on the fishing tamer skills as it will greatly assist you. Save 1 Digikoi, Digifry and Digicrucian for a quest later, trust me.
  • Be open to all Digimon you can become since some Digimon needs high stats that may not be feasible til you upgrade your gym or have progressed a fair amount into the game.
  • Learn and remember type advantages as you can deal 1.5 extra damage.
  • Easy mode is “normal” and Normal mode is “hard”. When the game came out on Vita for Japan, players criticized the game for being too easy. Bandai adjusted the Ps4 version of the game by increasing stats needed for Digivolution and making the game more challenging for players.
  • You can change your target in battle by pressing square then pressing L1 or R1 and selecting the target you want.
  • Use your High Tension ability during short fights to make them shorter. High Tension ability cost 50 order points; you may bypass the cost by letting a partner faint in combat, but that is not recommended.
  • Explore the early areas as most Digimon you will meet will be friendly or ask you to fetch items before they will join the city.
  • Collect all the items you will find in the wild. You may sell them or save them for later. Use you best judgement on which option you will want to undergo. I usually try to keep at least 1 copy of an item in possession just in case.
  • There are daily events that happens which will net you items that will prove helpful on your journey. (See Koromon, Tanemon/Palmon)


DNA and Extra DNA Digivolve Guide

DNA Digivolution was introduced in Digimon Adventure 02, where two Digimon would combine their powers to merge into a singular entity whose sum was greater than its parts. In Digimon World: Next Order, your two Digimon will combine to form a more powerful Digimon while the other will De-Digivolve into a lower form. Because of this, with some time and planning you can get 2 DNA Digimon. Do not stand there in awe, you got a world to save. This guide is to get Rosemon Burst Mode but the underlying principles apply for all DNA Digimon.

Required Elements

  • Digivolution Dojo at level 2 for DNA Digivolution; level 3 for Extra DNADigivolution. (Extra DNA merges 1 Partner and 1 Digimon in the City)
  • Training Hall at level 2 or 3.
  • Paildramon needs to be in the city.
  • Rosemonneeds to be in the city.

Time Table

Rookies at Age 0, Champions at Age 4, Ultimates at Age 7 and Megas at Age 11. If you stick to the time table, you will be able to get a few more days with your Digimon to do what you wish.

Keep in Mind

  • Use the Digivolution Dojo to block off potential Digivolutions you do not want. You must have Digivolution Dojo at level 2 to be able to do so.
  • Feed your Digimon Ginseng, Sakura Bird Radish, Obscure Onion, Drizzle Cabbage, Soft Gold Pumpkin, Spotted Tomato, Jaguar Potato, Kamon Aubergine, and Mandrake to help them with training.Ginseng, Sakura Bird Radish, and Obscure Onion are easy to obtain and works well.

Glossary/Explanations of Digivolution Requisites

  • HP=Health Points: Your Digimon’s vigor.
  • MP=Magic Points: Used to execute skills.
  • STR=Strength: Affects physical attack and skills.
  • STA=Stamina: Affects defense against attacks and skills.
  • WIS=Wisdom: Reduces the MP cost of skills, increases chance of Guarding, and increases critical-hit rate.
  • SPD=Speed: Affects the speed of the Digimon in battle.
  • Care Mistakes also known as Training Failures. This is when you fail to feed, sleep, and take your Digimon to the restroom. (Training Failures is the correct term for Next Order. I use Care Mistake as it was the proper term for Digimon World. The 2 terms mean the same so do not fret.)
  • Key Digimon= If you have that key Digimon it will count as another point. (It helps to have it but it will not block you if you do not have it.)
  • Key Points= The amount of points you need to hit before they will Digivolve.

(Left Digimon)

You should start with Yukimibotamon to Nyaromon to Salamon (WIS 150+, SPD 210+) to Gatomon (MP 7800, WIS 600, ≤14 Weight, ≤3 Care Mistakes, 50 Bond, 50 Discipline, 15 wins, Salamon Key Digimon, 5 Key points) to Angewomon (MP 6000, STR 600, WIS 700, SPD 500, ≤34 Weight, ≤1 Care Mistakes, 70 Bond, 70 Discipline, Gatomon Key Digimon, 7 key points)

(Right Digimon)

Meanwhile, as you are raising your left Digimon, you should be raising your right Digimon on this path. Start with Conomon to Kokomon to Lopmon (STR 50, WIS 130) to BlackGatomon (MP 4800, WIS 450, SPD 450, ≤14 Weight, 1 Care Mistake, ≤49 Discipline, 4 key points)to LadyDevimon (MP 6000, STR 600, WIS 600, SPD 600, ≤39 Weight, ≤1 Care Mistake, ≤39 Discipline, 6 key points)

Now that you have both Angewomon and LadyDevimon, head over to theDigivolution Dojo and have the right Digimon undergo the ceremony with the left. The right one will be Mastemon while the left will be a Gatomon. You must retrain Gatomon back to Angewomon; you may train Mastemon how you like. Once you have Angewomon again, it is time to get her to Mega. Train Angewomon to a Ophanimon (HP 8000, MP 2000, STA 1500, WIS 1400, SPD 1300, ≤49 Weight, 0 mistakes , 90 Bond, 90 Discipline, 8 key points)

Finally, head back to the Digivolution Dojo and Extra DNA Digivolve with Rosemon, who is in city, for both Mastemon and Ophanimon. Congrats, you will have 2 Rosemon Burst Mode.

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (2)

Logic Volcano Guide

Server Volcano– The third area you will have access to.

Recruitment Guide

Fire Wall

Gumdramon:Shows you the Logic Volcano Area. Once you have talked to Zudomon in MOD Ship 2.0, choose the first option to recruit him. Gumdramon gives you Chips Mini when you max out buildings in the city.

Birdramon: Part of the main story; cannot miss.You’ll have to defeat Birdramon and he will join your city. Birdramon’s role in city is a sender; you will be flown to destination for a fee.

Garbage Pile

Hackmon: After talking to Angemon in Dead End Town, you’ll find Hackmon here. Defeat him in combat so he can join the city. Hackmon will be found in the Hospital.

Bombernanimon: (Sidequest) Video below and text locations; reward is 5 Reliquite.

  • Vast Plateau Location Right hand side of the Vending Machine (Torso)
  • Inlet Cape Location Right hand of the Vending Machine (Right Leg)
  • Server Cemetery Next to the Liquid Material Node (Right Arm)
  • Guts Wastes Left of the Vending Machine (Left Arm)
  • West Coast Behind the Bathroom and Vending Machine (Left Leg)

Hidden Red House

Doumon: (Side Quest) Fetch him 3 Corianders, 3 Deep Sea Essences, and 5 Oily Fruits.and then you must fight him. Corianders are found in Server Desert and Logic Volcano. Deep Sea Essences can be bought at Mod Cape-Inlet Cape. Oily Fruits can be found in Vast Plateau, Server Desert and Logic Volcano. You get 2 Wisdom Chips as a reward.

Meramon: Defeat him in battle; weak to Ice moves and recruitable once Taomon joins the city. Meramon opens up a Restaurant once recruited.

Kyubimon: She asks you to pick one of her clones whose question’s answer is 3. I believe it was the leftmost one. If you get it right, you will fight 1 Kyubimon; if you get it wrong, you will have to fight 3 Kyubimon. Kyubimon is weak to Nature moves and she opens up the Hospital once you have recruited Taomon.

Omnishoutmon: Defeat him to have him join the city. He’s pretty tough so try to ExE-ing or using Ice moves. Omnishoutmon resides in the Entertainment District allowing you to listen to music via a jukebox. (No game crashing this time)

Taomon’s Meditation Place

Taomon: Part of the Main Story; Taomon gives you an Illegal Seed for you to plant and to check back 24 hours later. He will join the city; after a day or so the city will expand. Taomon will be with Jijimon and will direct you during the main story.

Flame Lands
Arresterdramon: Defeat him to have him join the city; should save for later in the game. He hits hard and have a lot of HP. Try ExE-ing or using Nature moves.

Fire Circuit
Icemon: (Daily Event) Use a Ice move on him to help him not melt. First time is a 2 HP Chip Mini then you get 300 Bits.

BanchoLeomon: Should save for later in the game. He hits hard and have a lot of HP. Try DNA-ing or using Machine moves.

Dragon’s Trident

WarGreymon: Unavailable to be recruited until late game when you can get your Lab to level 5. Weak to Ice.He will be located in the Lab and will give you Rotting Melons if you can meet his goals.

  • 50 times = 1 Rotting Melon
  • 100 times = 2 Rotting Melons
  • 200 times = 3 rotting Melons
  • 300 times = 5 Rotting Melons

Enemy List

Firewall: Level 6 Meteormon, Level 8 Meteormon, Level 8 Shamamon, Level 8 Fugamon

Garbage Pile: Level 12 BomberNanimon, Level 13 Birdramon

Hidden Red House: Level 16 Birdramon

Gateway: Level 9 Shamamon, Level 9 Fugamon, Level 12 Meteormon

Taomon’s Meditation Place: Level 30 BomberNanimon

Flame Lands: Level 15 Piddomon

Fire Circuit: Level 11 Meramon, Level 12 Shamamon, Level 18 King PlatinumSukamon

Dragon’s Trident: Level 15 Meramon, Level 18 Meramon Level 22 MetalTyrannomon, Level 25 MegaSeadramon, Level 27 RedVeedramon


Firewall: Level 6 Meteormon, Level 8 Meteormon, Level 8 Shamamon, Level 8 Fugamon

Garbage Pile: Level 12 BomberNanimon, Level 13 Birdramon

Hidden Red House: Level 18 Youkomon

Gateway: Level 10 Piddomon, Level 12 Meteormon

Taomon’s Meditation Place: Level 30 BomberNanimon

Flame Lands: Level 15 Piddomon

Fire Circuit: Level 11 Meramon, Level 12 Shamamon, Level 18 King PlatinumSukamon

Dragon’s Trident: Level 15 Meramon, Level 18 Meramon Level 22 MetalTyrannomon, Level 25 MegaSeadramon, Level 27 RedVeedramon

Ingredient List

  • Baby Strawberry
  • Cloudy Orange
  • Confusion Cherry
  • Celebration Nameko
  • Digistalk
  • Fighty Fungus
  • Scratchy Grass
  • Unlucky Shroom
  • Az Nut
  • Acrid Fruit
  • Cobb Fruit
  • Oily Fruit
  • Quick Fruit
  • Salty Fruit

Logic Volcano’s Vending MachineContents

Hot Water – 200 Bits
Recovery Disc – 300 Bits
MP Disc – 500Bits
Portable Toilet – 500Bits
Bandage – 800Bits
Auto-Pilot – 1500Bits

Logic Volcano Material Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. However, you will not be able to use them until you reach Chapter 2. You have defeat the Gotsumon turned Machinedramon. Collecting materials will help you level up your tamer level. This third area should net you everything you will need to upgrade your buildings to level 2 and begin working on level 3. This area is the only place to get the rare metal, Red Digizoit.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiAcid, there is a good chance you can get the Rare Liquid, DigiRainbowdrop.

Fire Wall:

1 Stone (3 times)DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiLight

1 Wood (1 time) DigiBamboo (Rare), DigiFirewood (Rare), DigiGodwood (Rare)

Garbage Pile:

1 Stone (3 times) DigiStone, DigiRock

Hidden Red House:

Best place to get Red Digizoit and DigiGodwood early in the game.

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (3)

1 Wood (3 times) DigiWhitewood, DigiBamboo (Rare), DigiGodwood (Rare) ; 1 Wood (1 time)DigiGodwood (Rare), DigiFirewood (Rare)

1Metal (3 times)Chrome Digizoit (Rare), DigiSilver, DigiIron, Red Digizoit (Rare)

1 Stone (3 times)DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiLight


1 Stone (3 times)DigiStone, DigiRock ; 1 Stone (5 times)DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiOnyx (Rare)

Taomon’s Medit. Place:

1 Stone (1 time) DigiRock, DigiOnyx (Rare)

Flame Lands:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiSilver, DigiGold, Mithril (Rare), Red Digizoit (Rare)

Fire Circuit:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiCopper, DigiIron, DigiGold

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiRainbowdrop, DigiAcid, DigiOil

Dragon’s Trident:

1 Metal 3 timesDigiCopper, DigiSilver, DigiGold, Chrome Digizoit (Rare), Red Digizoit (Rare), Mithril (Rare)

1 Liquid 3 times DigiAcid, DigiMercury

1 Stone (3 times) DigiStone, DigiLight

Logic VolcanoMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotalTotal Collection
Fire Wall1124
Garbage Pile113
Hidden Red House112410
Taomon’s Meditation Place111
Flame Lands111
Fire Circuit1124
Dragon’s Trident11149

Visual Maps

Nigh Plains Guide

Recruitment Guide

Nigh Plains Area– The first area you will be able to explore.
Vast Plateau

Patamon: Will join city once defeated in combat; weak to Nature Moves. Patamon will be in charge of the item storage

Tentomon: Will join city once you buy his recovery item for 100 bits. Tentomon will be in charge of opening up an item shop.

Palmon: Will join city once you bring back Cheerful Apple, Digistalk,and Salty Fruit. Cheerful Apple can be found on the East side of the first area (Vast Plateau) located near trees, and near the entrance to Old Cableway. Digistalk are found in the first area and you start with 10 of them due to Koromon. Salty Fruit can be found near Forest Path. Palmon will provide you with 8 Meats a day after recruitment.

Biyomon: Will join city once you have recruited Birdramon. Biyomon will provide you with 5 Auto-Pilots for every 5 times you use Birdramon’s Sender services.

Etemon: Doesn’t show up until Chapter 2. He will be located in the same spot where you found Biyomon. Retrieve a battery from Power Plant #2 and he will join Floatia. Etemon is in charge of the Stock Market.

Power Plant #2

Kuwagamon:Return DigiJelly to him that’s located in Forest Path; it should glow yellow/gold on the ground. He gives you a Hawk Radish every night in the Training Gym.

Fugamon: Leaves to find another Power Plant. He will be found in Power Plant #1 at the end of chapter 2. If you give him 5 Conductor Lemons he will give you 2 Stamina Chip Mini. After that, each 5 Conductor Lemon you give Fugamon, you’ll obtain 1,500 Bits.

Forest Path

Numemon: Will join the city once you bring back 5 Green Digistalks and defeating him in combat. Green Digistalks are found in Forest Path. Numemon is weak to Fire, Ice, Air, Nature and Hand-to-Hand Attack Skills. Numemon will give you a Portable Toilet every day.

Wormmon: Select Fishing Pole option then find “Strong Branch” near the beginning of the Forest Path area; it should glow a yellow/gold ring on the ground. Wormmon tells you your Digimon favorite and preferred food.

Cave Entrance

Renamon: Able to be recruited after you’ve upgraded your city once Taomon has joined. In order to get Renamon to join you, you need to catch her a Digicarp. You can find one by fishing off the bridge in the Vast Plateau, the first area you can explore. Time of Day doesn’t affect catching the carp. She becomes a chef at the restaurant. Visit her on Thursday for half off her food.

Aruraumon: (Daily Event; Non Recruitable)Teaches you about flowers everyday. The Flowers aren’t connected to a certain day but are in aqueue. The 9 different flowers she talks about in alphabetical order are: Cherry Blossom, Calabash, Freeze Freesia, Lily, Rose, Sky Hibiscus, Sunflower,Tulip, and Veranda Lavender.

*note the game text says Partner’s but think it should be Partners’ since you have two. We should perhaps put a [sic] note on them

  • The spinny sunflower symbolizes eternity. It’s a strange Flower. The head spins like a pinwheel. Partner’s mood increased. Life also increased a little!
  • The sky hibiscus, symbolizing exhilaration. An invigorating flower invoking both the sky and the sea. Mood greatly increased!
  • The freeze freesia symbolizes perseverance. it only grows in extremely cold places. Partner’s Mood and MP increased!
  • The hat tulip, symbolizing intelligence. this fashionable flower looks like a multicolored hat. Partner’s Mood and WIS increased!
  • The abrupt cherry blossom, symbolizing swiftness. Quick to bloom and quick to fall, this flower is a hasty one. Partner’s Mood and SPD increased!
  • The veranda lavender symbolizes tranquility. its well loved for its relaxing fragrance and hardiness. Partner’s Mood and HP increased!
  • The shifty calabash, symbolizing change. this interesting flower changes shape as the goes on. All skills increased!
  • The tough rose, symbolizing hardiness. While beautiful, this flower also boasts a steel- like sturdiness. Partner’s Mood and STA increased!
  • The fox lily, symbolizing innocence. This flower is delicate, and is quite difficult to make blossom. Partner’s Mood increased, and Fatigue decrease a little!

Rina ShinomiyaandUlforceVeedramon: (DLC Sidequest; Non Recruitable)First, Rina will tell you to do 10 Training sessions at the Training Hall. Then, she’ll ask you to get 30 Digistalks. After that, she asks for a several recovery items such as Super Regen Disc, Super Double Floppy and a Full Recovery Disc. You will need to recruit Guardromon and have him combine items to get the healing discs she ask for. Finally, a day after you turn in those healing discs, you will fight her. Veevee (UlforceVeedramon)is weak to Nature Attack Skills. As a reward you will get UlforceVeedramon’s Digivolution Item and a scene with Mirei.

Old Cableway

Kabuterimon: Battle him in order to recruit him; weak to Fire Attack Skills. He upgrades your individual training machines once they are able to for 10,000 bits and 50,000 bits . (Use them often and the bar on the top of the machine grows)

Meicoomon: (DLC Sidequest; Non Recruitable) Once you are in Chapter 2, Meicoomon will send you a Digimail saying he is at a place with cables, grass and trees. You will find him on the Old Cableway map on the left hand side. He will ask you to take down a powerful Digimon on the Vast Plateau map, Growlmon (orange). Return to Meicoomon and he’ll give you another riddle/location. Greenery, soil, a waterfall, a fence, a long bridge. Head over to Guts Waste, follow the downwards slope until the end, rotate your camera to the right and interact with the item that should be in front of you. You will be attacked by a group of Piddomon so be prepare for a fight. Once you have finished with that fight, report back to Meicoomon and he will attack you. He is a decent fight so bring recovery items and if you can, use ExE Digivolution to beat him. He will give you his Digivolution Stone as a reward.

Enemy List

Vast Plateau: Level 1 Goblimon, Level 2 Goblimon, Level 6 Fugamon, Level 10 King Numemon

Forest Path: Level 3 Aruraumon, Level 3 RedVegiemon

Cave Entrance: Level 7 BlackGabumon, Level 8 DemiDevimon

Old cableway: Level 6 BlackGabumon, Level 8 Goblimon, Level 10 King Numemon

Power Plant #2 :Level 5 Goblimon, Level 5 BlackGabumon

Power plant #1: Level 26 Fugamon

Vast Plateau: Level 2 Numemon, Level 10 King Numemon

Forest Path: Level 4 Goblimon, Level 3 RedVegiemon

Cave Entrance: Level 4 RedVegiemon, Level 8 DemiDevimon

Old cableway: Level 6 BlackGabumon, Level 7 Numemon, Level 10 King Numemon

Power Plant #2: Level 6 Numemon

Power plant #1: Level 26 Fugamon

Ingredient List

  • Baby Strawberry
  • Cheerful Apple
  • Conductor Lemon
  • Digistalk
  • Green Digistalk
  • Scratchy Grass
  • Unlucky Shroom
  • Az Nut
  • Acrid Fruit
  • Cobb Fruit
  • Dozy Fruit
  • Duty Fruit
  • Quick Fruit
  • Oily Fruit
  • Rolly Fruit
  • Salty Fruit

Nigh Plains’ Vending Machine Contents

Digital Ion Water – 200 Bits
Recovery Disc – 300 Bits
MP Disc – 500
Portable Toilet – 500
Bandage – 800

Nigh Plains Materials Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. However, you will not be able to use them until you reach Chapter 2. You have defeat the Gotsumon turned Machinedramon. Collecting materials will help you level up your tamer level, so its best to remember to collect as much as you can while you are out in the field. (Save getting the material Tamer Skills til mid game) I know training, battling, and exploring can make you seem like there is so much to do. You are always on a time table since your Digimon can not last forever, well, at least not til post game. This early area should net you most materials you will need to upgrade your buildings to level 2.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiDeepwater, there is a good chance you can get the Rare Liquid, DigiIonwater.

Vast Plateau:
1 Metal (1 times) DigiCopper ; 1 Metal (5 times)DigiCopper, DigiIron, DigiSilver

1 Liquid (5 times) DigiDeepwater, DigiIonwater (Rare) ; 1 Liquid (1 time)DigiSap

1 Stone (5 times)DigiStone, DigiSand

1 Wood (5 times)DigiWhitewood, DigiBlackwood

Power Plant #2:

1 Metal (5 times) DigiCopper, DigiIron, DigiWhitegold

1 Liquid (1 time)DigiAcid ; 1 Liquid (1 time)DigiOil, DigiLatex

1 Stone (3 times)DigiStone, DigiSand

1 Wood (5 times) DigiWhitewood, DigiGreatwood; 1 Wood (5 times)DigiWhitewood, DigiBamboo (Rare), DigiGreatwood

Forest Path:

1 Liquid (1 time)DigiSap

1 Stone (5 times)DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiQuartz (Rare)

1 Wood (3 times) DigiWhitewood, DigiBlackwood

Cave Entrance:

1 Metal (5 times)DigiCopper, DigiIron, DigiSilver

1 Wood (5 times)DigiWhitewood, DigiBlackwood

Old Cableway:
1 Stone (5 times)DigiStone, DigiRock

Powerplant #1:

1 Liquid (1 time)DigiAcid

1 Stone (5 times) DigiStone, DigiSand, DigiRock, DigiQuartz (Rare)

Ruins lake:

1 Metal (3 times)DigiCopper, DigiSilver

1 Liquid (3 times)DigiDeepwater

1 Stone (3 times)DigiStone, DigiSand, DigiRock

1 Wood (3 times)DigiGreatwood, DigiWhitewood

Nigh PlainsMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotal LocationTotal Collection
Vast Plateau2211622
Power Plant #21212620
Forest Path11139
Cave entrance11210
Old Cableway115
Power Plant #11126
Ruins Lake1111412

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (12)

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (13)

Nigh Plains Visual Maps

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (14)

Mod Cape Guide

Recruitment Guide

MOD Cape Area – The fifth area you will be able to explore.

Inlet Cape

Agumon(Black) and Gabumon(Black): (Optional) You battle them 3 times. They are both weak to Holy Attack Skills.

Paildramon: Can be recruited as soon as Chapter 2 once you have recruited GrapLeomon. He lowers your Digimon’s HP and MP values to ⅕ of their original. Once Paildramon joins the city, you can DNA Digivolve your Digimon using the Digivolution Dojo.

Stingmon: Can be recruited once you are in Chapter 3. He joins the Lab and gives you 2 MP Chips per 10 Tamer Levels you are.

MOD Ship 1.0

Seadramon: Can be recruited in Chapter 1 once the City has been expanded by recruited Taomon. Catch one Digifry, Digicrucian and Digikoi, and give them to Seadramon. You will be rewarded with a Feather Lure and Seadramon joining the City. Seadramon develops a Fishing Hole so you may fish in the City. Digifry, Digicrucian and Digikoi can be caught off the bridge in Vast Plateau time of day does not matter.

MegaSeadramon: Found in MOD Ship 1.0 after talking to Gomamon; a simple dialogue will make him join the City.

MOD Ship 2.0

Zudomon: Talk to Zudomon and he will ask you to talk to Gumdramon; Gumdramon is located in Logic Volcano Fire Wall area. After you talk to Gumdramon, he will join the City. Report back to Zudomon and he will do the same. Everyday you can sent out Zudomon to collect Liquid or Stone Materials.

MetalSeadramon: (Only spawns after triggering PlatinumNumemon’s Quest fish for a Digisalmon off the pier of MOD Cape.) With it in your inventory MetalSeadramon will now spawn in. Defeat it in battle to receive PlatinumNumemon Medal which you will have to give to PlatinumNumemon in Celeb Red Room in the Bony Resort area. MetalSeadramon will be found in the Lab and he teaches you Ice and Dark Attack Skills for 50,000 Bits 50,000 Bits. (Moves can only be taught if your partners can use them; level 7 Attack Skills can not be learned by this method).

Ship 2.0 Cabin

DemiDevimon: Asks you to get a rare Chalice from Vikemon. Once you have defeated Vikemon, you will obtain the Chalice. Report back to DemiDevimon and he will join the City. He will reward you the more money you make in the Stock Market in Floatia.

MOD Ship 3.0

Darkdramon: (Appears once you have recruited BanchoLeomon from Logic Volcano Fire Circuit area.) He will ask you to spar with him with a Digimon that meets some requirements. First Requirement for the first spar, and so on. After sparring with him 3 times, a short cutscene will occur and he will join the City. He will be in the Item Shop selling Digivolution Items.

  • First Requirement: Need a Digimon whose Finisher is a Punch Move like Fist of the Beast King.
  • Second Requirement: Need a Digimon who wields a sword.
  • Last Requirement: Need a Digimon who wears a cape.
  • Note: BanchoLeomon as your partner fits all 3 requirements.

AeroVeedramon: Once your Lab is pretty high, AeroVeedramon will talk to you and ask you to fight him. AeroVeedramon will be located in the Lab and he teaches you Air and Nature Attack Skills for 50,000 Bits. (Moves can only be taught if your partners can use them; level 7 Attack Skills can not be learned by this method)

Ship 3.0 Cabin

BlackGatomon: (Daily Event) She will ask you to turn in Pirate Treasure that are found on the various Ships in MOD Cape. Most sell for 300 or 500 Bits and there is a Gold Pirate Mug that sells for 10,000 Bits

Captain’s Cabin

Vikemon: Defeat him in battle so you can recruit him. He will be located in the Fishing Hole and will give you the Good Rod once you have caught 3 BlackDigiTrouts.

Flag MOD Ship

MarineAngemon: Bring back “Bent Spoon” so you can recruit her. It will glow yellow and sparkle but you will not find it on your first try. The quest is designed for you to find several items you believe MarineAngemon is looking for. She will join the Hospital and will transfer 6 hours of life from one partner to another if your partner has at least a day of life left.

Enemy List


Inlet Cape: Level 26 DemiDevimon, Level 26 Saberdramon, Level 30 Seadramon

MOD ship 1.0: Level 27 Agumon(Black)

MOD Ship 2.0: Level 28 Saberdramon

Ship 2.0 Cabin: Level 28 DemiDevimon, Level 28 WaruSeadramon

MOD Ship 3.0: Level 29 Seadramon

Ship 3.0 Cabin: N/A

Captain’s Cabin: Level 27 Agumon(Black), Level 30 Taomon(Silver)

Flag MOD Ship: Level 30 Saberdramon, Level 24 King Botamon


Inlet Cape: Level 26 DemiDevimon, Level 26 Saberdramon, Level 30 Seadramon

MOD ship 1.0: Level 27 Agumon(Black)

MOD Ship 2.0: Level 28 Saberdramon

Ship 2.0 Cabin: Level 28 DemiDevimon, Level 28 WaruSeadramon

MOD Ship 3.0: Level 29 Seadramon

Ship 3.0 Cabin: N/A

Captain’s Cabin: Level 27 Agumon(Black), Level 30 Taomon(Silver)

Flag MOD Ship: Level 30 Saberdramon, Level 24 King Botamon

Ingredient List

  • Baby Strawberry
  • Cheerful Apple
  • Conductor Lemon
  • Golden Acorn
  • Orange Banana
  • Celebration Nameko
  • Digistalk
  • Unlucky Shroom
  • Az Nut
  • Cobb Fruit
  • Salty Fruit

MOD Cape’s Vending Machine Contents

Deep Sea Essence – 200 Bits

Recovery Disc – 300 Bits

MP Disc – 500 Bits

Portable Toilet – 500 Bits

Bandage – 800 Bits

Auto-Pilot – 1500 Bits

MOD Cape Material Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. Collecting materials will help you level up your tamer level, so its best to remember to collect as much as you can while you are out in the field. At this point you will be able to upgrade the city’s buildings and improve the benefits they provide for you. Now is a good time to be thinking of investing in a few of the Tamer Skills under Extractor Type. This fifth area is the beginning of some decent new materials that were unable to obtain in a steady supply in the earlier areas along with some rare materials. In addition, this area is connected to another area which will provide you with even more valuable materials.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiGold, there is a chance you can get the Rare Metal, Black Digizoit.

Inlet Cape:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiCopper, DigiGold, DigiSilver, DigiIron ;1 Metal (3 times)DigiCopper, DigiIron

1 Liquid (1 time) DigiDeepwater, DigiIonwater (Rare) ;1 Liquid (3 times) DigiDeepwater, DigiIonwater (Rare)

1 Stone (1 time) DigiStone, DigiRock

1 Wood (3 times) DigiBlackwood, DigiWhitewood, DigiFelwood (Rare) ;1 Wood (1 time) DigiBlackwood, DigiStarwood (Rare)

MOD Ship 1.0:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiSilver, DigiGold, DigiCopper, Black Digizoit (Rare)

1 Liquid (1 time) DigiDeepwater, DigiIonwater (Rare), DigiMercury (Rare)

1 Stone (1 time) DigiStone, DigiLight

1 Wood (1 time) DigiPalm, DigiBamboo (Rare)

MOD Ship 2.0:

1 Metal (1 time)DigiSilver, DigiIron, DigiCopper

1 Wood (1 time)DigiBlackwood, DigiSnowwood, DigiStarwood (Rare)

Ship 2.0 Cabin:

1 Wood (1 time) DigiBamboo Rare

1 Metal (1 time) DigiGold, DigiSilver, Blue Digizoit (Rare)

MOD Ship 3.0:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiGold, DigiSilver, DigiCopper

1 Liquid (5 times) DigiDeepwater, DigiIonwater(Rare)

1 Stone (1 time) DigiLight, DigiRock

Ship 3.0 Cabin:

1 Liquid (1 time) DigiDeepwater, DigiMercury

1 Wood (3 times) DigiPalm,DigiBlackwood, DigiSnowwood, DigiBamboo (Rare) DigiFelwood (Rare)

Captain’s Cabin:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiSilver, Blue Digizoit (Rare), DigiGold

1 Stone (1 time) DigiNight, DigiLight

1 Wood (1 time) DigiPalm, DigiFelwood (Rare)

Flag MOD Ship:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiCopper, Black DigiZoit (Rare)

1 Liquid (1 times) DigiIonwater, DigiDeepwater, DigiMercury (Rare)

1 Wood (1 time) DigiBlackwood, DigiSnowwood, DigiStarwood (Rare)

MOD CapeMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotalTotal Collection
Inlet Cape2212713
MOD ship 1.0111144
MOD Ship 2.01122
Ship 2.0 cabin1122
MOD ship 3.011137
Ship 3.0 Cabin1124
Captain’s Cabin11133
Flag MOD ship11133

Visual Maps

Absolute Zero Guide

Recruitment Guide

Absolute Zero Area – The eighth area you will be able to explore.

Freeze Way

SnowGoblimon: (Daily Event) Plays Rock-Paper-Scissor with you and if you win, your partners’ mood will increase.

Veedramon: Unable to talk to him until post game and after you talked to ExVeemon in Ship 3.0 Cabin in the MOD Cape area.

Gabumon: Can be found at the end of the path in the Freeze Way. Talk to him and he will join you if you already have Garurumon in your city. He stands outside the Training Hall; he will boost your partners’ mood if you speak with him at night.

Frost Cathedral

SnowAgumon: (Daily Event) Feed him during snack time to get a recovery item. Rewards seem to be randomized.

Gomamon: Searching for a picture of MegaSeadramon. Go back to MOD Ship 1.0 and you can find MegaSeadramon. Just talk to him which will result in you obtaining the picture and he will join the City. Report back to Gomamon and he will join the City. Gomamon will trade a specific amount of fish for new lures.

  • 10 DigiLoaches for Snake Lure
  • 10 DigiTrout for Frog Lure
  • 10 DigiArowana for Crayfish Lure

Ikkakumon: Wants to eat Seraphimon’s food again. Go to Dead End Town in the Server Desert area and talk to him. Once you have, report back to Ikkakumon, who will join the City. He fills your partners up for free when they are hungry.

GaoGamon: Beat him under a minute; he is weak to Machine Attack Skills. Once in the City, he is located near the entrance to the Business District. He will give your Digimon a +5 Discipline bonus everyday.

Frozen Divider

IceDevimon: (Daily Event) You have 24 hours to help him lose or gain weight. You are rewarded with 5000 Bits.

Eternal Glacier

Sorcermon: (Daily Event) Teleports you randomly to other areas and you must make it back to him within 24 hours. As a reward, he gives you Sorcermon’s Digivolution Stone.

Enemy List


Freeze Way: Level 36 IceDevimon

Frost Cathedral: Level 36 SnowAgumon, Level 32 King BlueMeramon

Ice Sculpture Room: Level 37 SnowGoblimon

Icy Hall: Level 37 Icemon, Level 37 BlueMeramon

Frozen Divider: Level 38 Gururumon

Frozen Way: Level 38 Hyogamon, Level 38 Gururumon

Icy Way Temple: Level 39 Icemon, Level 39 BlueMeramon

Eternal Glacier: Level 40 Icemon, Level Hyogamon, Level 40 BlueMeramon


Freeze Way: Level 36 IceDevimon

Frost Cathedral: Level 36 SnowAgumon, Level 32 King BlueMeramon

Ice Sculpture Room: Level 37 SnowGoblimon

Icy Hall: Level 37 Icemon, Level 37 BlueMeramon

Frozen Divider: Level 38 Gururumon

Frozen Way: Level 38 Hyogamon, Level 38 Gururumon

Icy Way Temple: Level 39 Icemon, Level 39 BlueMeramon

Eternal Glacier: Level 40 Icemon, Level Hyogamon, Level 40 BlueMeramon

Ingredient List

  • Baby Strawberry
  • Cloudy Orange
  • Digistalk
  • Frostcut Mushroom

Absolute Zero’s Vending Machine Contents

Absolute Zero Water – 200 Bits

Recovery Disc – 300 Bits

MP Disc – 500 Bits

Portable Toilet – 500 Bits

Bandage – 800 Bits

Auto-Pilot – 1500 Bits

Absolute Zero Material Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. Collecting materials will help you level up your tamer level, so its best to remember to collect as much as you can while you are out in the field. At this point you should be able to start maxing out the city’s buildings and improve the benefits they provide for you. By now, you should have invested in the all Tamer Skills under the Extractor Type category. This final area provides you with end game materials if you are lucky.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiLatex, there is a chance you can get the rare liquid, DigiHolywater.

Freeze Way:

1 Wood (3 times) DigiSnowwood, DigiBlackwood, DigiGodwood (Rare) ;1 Wood (3 times)DigiSnowwood, DigiBlackwood, DigiGodwood (Rare)

Frost Cathedral:

1 Metal (3 times) DigiSilver, Mithril (Rare), Blue Digizoit (Rare)

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiLatex, DigiDeepwater, DigiHolywater (Rare)

1 Stone (3 times) DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiEmerald (Rare);1 Stone (3 times) DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiRuby (Rare) DigiDiamond (Rare) DigiEmerald (Rare)

Ice Sculpture Room:

1 Metal (1 time)DigiSilver, Mithril (Rare) BlueDigizoit (Rare)

1 Stone (1 time) DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiEmerald (Rare)

Icy Hall:

1 Metal (1 time) Mithril (Rare) BlueDigizoit (Rare)

1 Stone (1 time) DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiRuby (Rare)

Frozen Divider:

1 Liquid (1 time) DigiDeepwater, DigiLatex, DigiHolywater (Rare)

Frozen Way:

1 Stone (1 time) DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiRuby (Rare) DigiDiamond (Rare) DigiEmerald (Rare)

Icy Way Temple:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiSilver, Mithril (Rare) BlueDigizoit (Rare)

Absolute ZeroMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotalTotal Collection
Freeze Way226
Frost Cathedral11249
Ice Sculpture Room1122
Icy Hall1122
Frozen Divider111
Frozen Way111
Icy Way Temple111

Visual Maps

Server Desert Guide

Recruitment Guide

Server Desert Area– The second area you will be able to explore.

Noise Storm

Veemon: First talk to Veemon. Talk to Togemon in Server Cemetery then go back to Veemon and defeat him in combat for him to join the city. Veemon is weak to Machine (Apparatus) Attack Skills. Veemon will be in charge of improving your buildings in the city.

Greymon: Once you have 15+ Prosperity, you may encounter Greymon and he’ll ask you to bring back a Magma Lozenge from Logic Volcano – Fire Wall Area. Greymon will give you your first tent once you recruit him. Basic Tent has 3 uses and is given to you for free. Get Item Shop at level 3 to buy the Premium Tent from Greymon for 10,000 bits and it has 6 uses. Once you max out the Item Shop you can buy the Master Tent that has 10 uses and costs 50,000 bits.

To Hallowed Hall

Garudamon: Defeat him in combat and if you have about 15 Prosperity Points and he’ll join the city. Garudamon is weak to Nature Attack Skills. He will open up the treasure hunter shop once in the city.

GranKuwagamon: (Avoid until later in game) Beat GranKuwagamon in battle and you will find him in the Digivolution Dojo. Once per day for 10,000 bits, he will adjust one of your Digimon parameters. (weight, care mistake, discipline)

Server Cemetery

Togemon: Talk to Veemon first then talk to Togemon. Go back to fight Veemon and defeat him. After recruiting Veemon, go back and talk to Togemon; defeating him in combat allows him to join the city. Togemon is weak to Fire Attack Skills. During the day, Togemon will give you Ginseng to train better.



Part of the Main Story. Once you’re on Chapter 2, after beating 2 Machinedramon, you will be asked by Grapleomon to get Cyber Grease from Gargomon. Talk to Gargomon to get the grease you need; Gargomon will join the city. Report back to Grapleomon. He will teach you a slogan (No Meat, No Digi-Life) you will need in the next area.

Dead End Town

Shoutmon: When you defeat the first Machinemon while following the Main Story, the Machinedramon was really Shoutmon under a curse. He’ll join the city when the cutscene is over.

Angemon: At the end of Chapter 1 you will be able to go here following the main story. After you handle the story quest here, you will see Angemon. He will ask you to go to Garbage Pile located in Logic Volcano. Once there, you will fight Hackmon and when you defeat him he will join the city. Go back to Angemon and he will join the city. Angemon will cure sickness, injures, major injuries and fatigue all for a set amount of bits determined by how upgraded your Hospital is.

Seraphimon: Can be found pretty early but won’t be available to be recruited until you can go to the Absolute Zero Area. Ikkakumon will ask you to find Seraphimon who is a amazing chef. Speak to him and he joins the city. Then report back to Ikkakumon who will join the city also. Seraphimon’s food is the best and most expensive in the game and is used to get your Digimon’s stats to max. Eat his food on Friday for a half off discount.

Tower Road

Gargomon: Unable to be recruited until you talk to GrapLeomon in Step Step once you are in Chapter 2. Gargomon will sell battle items in the item shop once recruited.

Server Tower

RedVeedramon and GoldVeedramon: (Sidequest; Non Recruitable)

  • Condition 1 | Raise DigiFriend to 70+. One Partner has to have 500+ STR and the other 500+ STA.
  • Condition 2 | Raise DigiFriend to 80+. Both Partners need to have 600+ WIS and SPD.
  • Condition 3 | Raise DigiFriend to 90+. One Partner has to have 7000+ HP and the other 7000 MP.
  • Final Condition | Raise DigiFriend to 100 and both partner need to have 800+ STR, SPD WIS.

Enemy List

Noise Storm: Level 4 Gotsumon, Level 5 Gotsumon, Level 6 Gotsumon

Server Cemetery: Level 5 Gotsumon, Level 6 Gotsumon, Level 7 Geremon,

Dead End Town: Level 25 Geremon

To Hallowed Hall: Level 7 Gotsumon, Level 7 BlackGarurumon, Level 14 King Nanimon

Tower Road: Level 23 Psychemon

Bus Terminal: Level 25 Nanimon

Step Step: Level 20 Psychemon, Level 21 BlackGarurumon

Server Tower: Level 26 Psychemon, Level 27 Growlmon (Orange)


Noise Storm: Level 4 Gotsumon, Level 5 Gotsumon, Level 6 Gotsumon

Server Cemetery: Level 7 Geremon,Level 8 Shamamon

Dead End Town: Level 25 Geremon

To Hallowed Hall: Level 7 BlackGarurumon, Level 8 Geremon

Tower Road: Level 24 Shamamon,

Bus Terminal: Level 25 Nanimon

Step Step Level 20 Geremons, Level 21 BlackGarurumon

Server Tower: Level 27 Gotsumon, Level 27 Growlmon (Orange)

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (30)

Ingredient List

  • Celestial Chestnut
  • Orange Banana
  • Digistalk
  • Coriander
  • Scratchy Grass
  • Oily Fruit

Server Desert’s Vending MachineContents

Neon Drink – 200 Bits
Recovery Disc – 300 Bits
MP Disc – 500Bits
Portable Toilet – 500Bits
Bandage – 800Bits
Auto-Pilot – 1500Bits

Server Desert Material Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. However, you will not be able to use them until you reach Chapter 2. You have defeat the Gotsumon turned Machinedramon. This is the second area you will have access to while progressing the main story. It will be in your best interest to collect materials so you can level up your tamer level. This second area should net you the second level of materials you will need to upgrade your buildings to level 2.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiIron, there is a good chance you can get the rare metal, Mithril.

Noise Storm:

1 Liquid (3 times)DigiOil

Hallowed Hall:

1 Metal (3 times) DigiGold, DigiWhitegold, DigiSilver, Mithril (Rare); 1 Metal (3 times)DigiIron, DigiGold

1 Stone (1 time) DigiLight, DigiOnyx (Rare); 1 Stone (3 times)DigiSand

Server Cemetery:

1 Metal (5 times) DigiIron, DigiGold

1 Liquid (3 times)DigiDeepwater, DigiIonwater (Rare), DigiLatex

1 Stone (5 times) DigiSand

1 Wood (3 times)DigiPalm, DigiWhitewood, DigiFirewood (Rare) , DigiBamboo (Rare)


1 Metal (3 times)DigiIron, Mithril (Rare)

1 Stone (5 times)DigiSand, DigiStone

Dead End Town:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiWhitegold, DigiGold, DigiIron

1 Liquid (3 times)DigiOil, DigiDeepwater, DigiLatex

1 Stone (1 time)DigiLight, DigiSand, DigiOnyx (Rare)

1 Wood (3 times)DigiPalm, DigiFirewood (Rare)

Tower Road:

1 Metal (3 times)DigiGold, DigiIron

1 Stone (3 times)DigiLight, DigiSand, DigiStone

Bus Terminal:

1 Stone (3 times) DigiLight, DigiSand, DigiStone, DigiQuartz (Rare)

Server Tower:

1 Metal (3 times)DigiIron, DigiGold

1 Liquid (1 time)DigiOil, DigiAcid

1 Stone (3 times)DigiSand

Server DesertMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotalTotal
Noise storm113
To Hallowed Hall22410
Server Cemetery1111416
Dead End Town111148
Tower Road1126
Bus Terminal113
Server Tower11137

Visual Map

Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (31)

Ohguino Wastelands Guide

Ohguino Wastelands – The fourth area you will have access to.

Recruitment Guide

Guts Wastes

Agumon: Defeat him in combat and he will join the city. Agumon is weak to Ice Attack Skills; he is involved with decorating the Square according to the season. (Upgrade square last as it is purely cosmetic)

Gaomon: Bring Gaomon 20 Hunks of Meat and he’ll join the city. He opens the Coliseum. Hunks of Meat can be dropped by Numemons in Power Plant #2. Once you have 1 Hunk of Meat, you can plant it on your farm to get more of them.

Ogremon: (Must Recruit Agumon, Gaomon, Goblimon, Tyrannomon, Lillymon and Vegiemon before being able to find and recruit Ogremon.) Once they have been recruited, talk to Leomon and he will talk about how Ogremon has gotten some intel. Go talk to Ogremon and it will result in a fight; defeat him to learn his intel. Report back to Leomon. Ogremon will set up a Snack Stand outside the Coliseum.

Antylamon: In Rosemon’s quarters you will find a golden drop on the right hand near the top. Give that item to Antylamon and she will join the City. She will be in the Digivolution Dojo.

Psychemon: (Daily Event) You can find his brother hiding somewhere in Ohguino Wastelands. When you do, come back and let him know. If you are correct you get 3 of a randomly selected Meat.

RedVegiemon: (Daily Event) Feed him Meats and he’ll give you Veggies in exchange.

Dori Tunnel Hub 2

Goblimon: Bring him 20 pieces of Rotten Meat and he’ll join your city. Rotten Meat can be dropped Geremon in Server Cemetery. Once you have 1 Rotten Meat, you can plant it on your farm to get more of them. Once in the city, Goblimon sells items from the Item Shop and the Advance Item Shop. Good for early game when buying drinks cost 200 Bits in the Vending Machines and he will sell it for 100 Bits.

Dori Tunnel Hub 1

Tyrannomon: Bring 20 Best Meats and he’ll join the city. When he joins the city he will let you trade Wood and Liquid materials.

Secret Graveyard

Leomon: When you first talk to Leomon he asks you to get intel on the Veggie Troops. So head over to Rosemon’s Palace and recruit Lillymon and Vegiemon. Then you have to recruit Agumon, Gaomon, Goblimon, Tyrannomon, and he will then ask to get the intel that Ogremon has. After that battle, report back to Leomon who will ask you to free Shinegreymon. Once you defeated and recruited Woodmon report back to Leomon. Finally, he ask you to storm the castle and defeat Rosemon. Once you have, report one final time to Leomon and he will join the city. He will give you rewards in the Colosseum.

ShineGreymon: After you save him from his cell, he will need to recharge. He will be located where Leomon was; he will join you when you beat the game.

Palace of Thorns

Lillymon: Talk to Shamamon and Leomon before approaching. Once you have done that she’ll ask you to reclaim the fields that Vegiemon took. He is located on the left hand side once you have enter the courtyard. Defeat him and report back to Lillymon. Once Lillymon is in the city, you can send her out to go out on a nut, veggie, fruit or everything hunt.

Vegiemon: Defeat him in combat to recruit him and Lillymon; weak to Fire Attack Skills.

Garurumon: Talk to Wizardmon in Bony Resort first then come back and talk to Garurumon. He joins the city and gives you 300 Bits.

Generator Prison Room

Woodmon: After reporting back to Leomon after defeating Ogremon, Leomon tells you to rescue ShineGreymon. Woodmon is keeping him so defeat Woodmon; he is weak to Fire Attack Skills. He sells Nuts in the Agricultural District.

Rose Palace

HerculesKabuterimon: After you have rescued ShineGreymon, return to Leomon and he will ask you to attack the castle. You have to beat HerculesKabuterimon in order to get into the back of the castle, when you beat him he will join the city. You need to get WereGarurumon in town before he becomes useful so he can start selling Chips in the Advance Shop. Once you get WereGarurumon, HerculesKabuterimon will appear in the Advanced Item Shop and sell Chips Mini that can permanently increase your Digimon’s stats.

Rosemon’s Room

Rosemon: Defeat Rose to finish Leomon’s Quest and recruit her. She is weak to Fire and joins the Museum Entertainment District.

Enemy List


Guts Wastes: Level 24 Vegiemon, Level 23 Shamamon, Level 26 Tyrannomon , Level 24 King RedVegiemon

Dori Tunnnel Hub 2: N/A

Dori Tunnnel Hub 1: N/A

Secret Graveyard:Level 40 Shamamon, Level 40 WarGrowlmon (Orange) Appears once you recruited Leomon.

Palace of Thorns: Level 25 Vegiemon,Level 26 RedVegiemon, Level 34 Woodmon

Generator Prison Room:Level 37 Solarmon,Level 40 Woodmon

Rose Palace:Level 29 Woodmon,Level 30 Kuwagamon

Rosemon’s Room:Level 35 Kuwagamon, Level 36 MegaKabuterimon (Blue)


Guts Wastes: Level 24 Vegiemon, Level 23 Shamamon, Level 26 Tyrannomon , Level 24 King RedVegiemon

Dori Tunnnel Hub 2:N/A

Dori Tunnnel Hub 1:N/A

Secret Graveyard:Level 40 Shamamon, Level 40 WarGrowlmon (Orange) Appears once you recruited Leomon.

Palace of Thorns:Level 25 Vegiemon,Level 26 RedVegiemon, Level 34 Woodmon

Generator Prison Room:Level 37 Solarmon,Level 40 Woodmon

Rose Palace:Level 29 Woodmon,Level 30 Kuwagamon

Rosemon’s Room:Level 35 Kuwagamon, Level 36 MegaKabuterimon (Blue)

Ingredient List

  • Baby Strawberry
  • Conductor Lemon
  • Celestial Chestnut
  • Orange Banana
  • CloudyOrange
  • Celebration Nameko
  • Deluxe Mushroom
  • Digistalk
  • Fighty Fungus
  • Green Digistalk
  • Unlucky Shroom
  • Az Nut
  • Dozy Fruit
  • Duty Fruit
  • Quick Fruit
  • Rolly Fruit
  • Salty Fruit

Ohguino Wastelands’ Vending Machine Contents

File Soda – 200Bits

Recovery Disc – 300Bits

MP Disc – 500Bits

Portable Toilet – 500Bits

Bandage – 800 Bits

Autopilot – 1500 Bits

Palace of Thorns’ Vending Machine Contents

File Soda – 200 Bits

Recovery Disc – 300 Bits

MP Disc – 500 Bits

Portable Toilet – 500 Bits

Bandage – 800 Bits

Autopilot – 1500 Bits

Phantom Nectar – Free with purchase of File Soda ; 2% chance of obtaining.

Oghuino Wastelands Material Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. Collecting materials will help you level up your tamer level, so its best to remember to collect as much as you can while you are out in the field. At this point you will be able to upgrade the city’s buildings and improve the benefits they provide for you. Now is a decent time to be thinking of investing in a Tamer Skill under the Extractor Type. This fourth area is the beginning of some decent new materials that were unable to obtain in a steady supply in the earlier areas. In addition, this area is adjacent to other resource rich areas where you will want to spend time gathering.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiStone, there is a chance you can get the rare stone, DigiRuby.

Guts Wastes:
1 Stone (3 times) DigiRock, DigiSand, DigiQuartz (Rare) ; 1 Stone (3 times) : Digirock, Digilight ;1 Stone (1 time) DigiLight, DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiRuby (Rare)

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiDeepwater, DigiRainbowdrop

1 Wood (3 times) DigiWhitewood, DigiGreatwood, DigiStarwood (Rare) ; 1 Wood (3 times) DigiPalm, DigiWhitewood, DigiGreatwood

Dori Tunnnel Hub 2:

1 Metal (5 times) DigiCopper, DigiGold, DigiIron, Mithril (Rare) ;1 Metal (1 time) DigiSilver, DigiWhitegold

1 Liquid (1 time) DigiLatex, DigiIonwater

Secret Graveyard:

1 Stone (3 times) DigiStone, DigiLight, DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiOnyx (Rare)

Dori Tunnnel Hub 1:

1 Metal (5 times) DigiCopper, DigiSilver,DigiGold, DigiWhitegold, Mithril (Rare) ; 1 Metal (5 times) DigiCopper, DigiSilver, DigiGold, DigiWhitegold, Mithril (Rare)

Palace of Thorns:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiSilver, DigiCopper, DigiGold

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiIonwater (Rare), DigiDeepwater, DigiLatex

1 Stone (3 times)DigiStone, DigiRock

1 Wood (3 times) DigiWhitewood, DigiStarwood (Rare)

Generator Prison Room:

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiAcid, DigiOil, DigiLightningwater Rare

Rose Palace:

1 Stone (1 time) DigiLight, DigiNight, DigiOnyx ;1 Stone (5 times) DigiLight, DigiNight, DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiRuby (Rare)

Ohguino WastelandsMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotalTotal Collection
Guts Wastes132616
Dori Tunnnel Hub 22137
Secret Graveyard113
Dori Tunnnel Hub 12210
Palace of Thorns1111410
Generator Prison Room113
Rose Palace226

Visual Maps

Bony Resort Guide

Recruitment Guide

Bony Resort Area– The sixth area you will be able to explore.

Bony Drive

Tsukaimon: (Side Quest) He will ask you to find 3 lists. The first page is in the Celeb Red Room,the second page is in the Graveyard, and the final page is at the Pink House. He will give you a MP Chip as a reward.

Wizardmon: Found outside the Celeb Blue Room. Talk to him and he will ask you to find Garurumon for him who is back in Palace of Thorns. Talk to Garurumon and report back to Wizardmon. Wizardmon will teleport you for free to a predetermined location based on the day.

WereGarurmon: He wants you to get a ring from SkullGreymon, who can be found in the Graveyard past the Corpseway. Once you battle SkullGreymon, report back to WereGarurumon and he will join the City, He sells Ultimate Digivolution Items.

Boltmon: Can be recruited once you have recruited WereGarurumon and Myotismon. Head to Corpseway and talk to Youkomon. She wants to fight Boltmon so head back to Boltmon and let him know. Boltmon is a pacifist so he rejects the offer and ask you to help. Report back to Youkomon. She is determined to fight; report back to Boltmon. Boltmon tells you to see Myotismon in the City. Moytismon is in the museum; talk to him and meet back with Boltmon, which will trigger a cutscene resulting in the recruitment of Boltmon. He will be found in the Entertainment District and he will quiz you about your Digimon.

ToyAgumon: Located in the Courtyard at the very bottom of Bony Drive; he is missing a block. He tells you Monzaemon has it; head into the Celeb Green Room near ToyAgumon and speak with Monzaemon to get the piece back. Give it back to ToyAgumon and he will join the City; he will join the Arena.

Celeb Red Room

PlatinumNumemon: You need 1 million Bits for him to talk to you but you can bypass the bit requirement by having a:

  • Level 3 stock market
  • Level 4 Lab
  • Level 3 Advance Shop

I talked him with 230,000ish bits in my inventory and the mentioned buildings. Then you need to fish a DigiSalmon off the pier of MOD Cape. Once you have the fish head to mod ship 2.0 to fight MetalSeadramon. After the fight, you will receive the Platinum Poop Medal; report back to PlatinumNumemon to finish this quest. He will be in the Advance Item Shop asking you to hit Bit quotas. Once you have hit them you will receive filth based Digimon Digivolution Stones.

  • 230,000 Bits and under = Ossoculite (Numemon’s Digivolution Stone)

Pink Stone House

Piedmon: Talk to him to play a game of hide and go seek. Once he is found 3 times, he joins the city.

  • First hiding spot outside Celeb Red Room.
  • Second hiding spot is the tree closest to Corpseway.
  • Last Hiding spot is behind the piano

Pink Stone House Int.

Myotismon: Talk to him and he will ask you to recover his Myobrella. The thief, Turuiemon is in the Garbage Pile area of Logic Volcano. A battle will ensue and upon defeating him you will receive the Myobrella. Give the Myobrella back to Myostimon and he will polish the old cards you have found once he is in the City.

Night Church

Ophanimon: Have Lab max out and give her 10,000 Bits which will prompt her to join the City. She will teach Holy and Fire Attack Skills for 50,000 Bits. (Moves can only be taught if your partners can use them; level 7 Attack Skills can not be learned by this method)


SkullGreymon: Fight him after talking to WereGarurumon. He is weak to Holy Attack Skills. He talks to you about ghosts, and Shikis once he is in the City.Afterwards, your partners can bear to look at him.

Mamemon: Talk to him and he will join the city; he joins the Arena.


Terriermon and Lopmon: These two are found in the Corpseway at the bottom of Bony Drive. They will ask you to take a quiz.

  1. What do they call this area? Answer Bony Resort.
  2. How many horns to Lopmon and Terriermon have put together? Answer Four Horns.
  3. Which one isn’t brown? Answer Terriermon.

After you can ask them to come to your city. They will be in the restaurant selling food.

Youkomon: (Unrecruitable) She just triggers the quest line for recruiting of Boltmon once you have recruited WereGarurumon and Myotismon.

Celeb Green Room

Monzaemon: After undertaking ToyAgumon’s quest, talk to Monzaemon who will give you the block and head off to the City. He will be at the Arena.

Enemy List


Bony Drive: Level 31 Greymon (Blue), Level 31 Tsukaimon, Level 31 ClearAgumon, Level 30 King ToyAgumon

Celeb Red Room: Level 35 Wizardmon

Celeb Blue Room: Level 37 Lopmon

Pink Stone House: Level 34 Greymon (Blue), Level 34 ClearAgumon

Pink Stone House Int.: Level 40 Wizardmon, Level 40 BlackGatomon

Night Church: Level 45 WereGarurumon (Black)

Graveyard: Level 36 Greymon (Blue), Level 36 Tsukaimon

Corpseway: Level 35 Greymon (Blue), Level 35 Tsukaimon

Celeb Green Room: Level 36 Tsukaimon


Bony Drive: Level 31 Greymon (Blue), Level 31 Tsukaimon, Level 31 ClearAgumon,Level 30 King ToyAgumon

Celeb Red Room: Level 35 Wizardmon

Celeb Blue Room: Level 37 Lopmon

Pink Stone House: Level 34 Greymon (Blue), Level 34 ClearAgumon

Pink Stone House Int.: Level 40 Wizardmon, Level 40 BlackGatomon

Night Church: Level 45 WereGarurumon (Black)

Graveyard: Level 36 Greymon (Blue), Level 36 Tsukaimon

Corpseway: Level 35 Greymon (Blue), Level 35 Tsukaimon

Celeb Green Room: Level 36 Tsukaimon

Ingredient List

  • Baby Strawberry
  • Celestial Chestnut
  • Cheerful Apple
  • Cloudy Orange
  • Conductor Lemon
  • Confusion Cherry
  • Orange Banana
  • Celebration Nameko
  • Coriander
  • Deluxe Mushroom
  • Digistalk
  • Green Digistalk
  • Scratchy Grass
  • Unlucky Shroom
  • Acrid Fruit
  • Az Nut
  • Duty Fruit
  • Oily Fruit
  • Rolly Fruit

Bony Resort’s Vending Machine Contents

Triangular Milk – 200 Bits

Recovery Disc – 300 Bits

MP Disc – 500 Bits

Portable Toilet – 500 Bits

Bandage – 800 Bits

Auto-Pilot – 1500 Bits

Bony Resort Material Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. Collecting materials will help you level up your tamer level, so its best to remember to collect as much as you can while you are out in the field. At this point you will be able to upgrade the city’s buildings to their higher levels and improve the benefits they provide for you. By now, you should have invested in a few Tamer Skills under the Extractor Type category. This sixth area provides you with late game materials if you are lucky.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiBlackwood, there is a chance you can get the rare wood, DigiGodwood.

Bony Drive:

1 Metal (3 times) DigiWhitegold, Black Digizoit (Rare), DigiSilver, Mithril (Rare) ;1 Metal (3 times) DigiSilver, DigiGold, Mithril (Rare), Black Digizoit (Rare)

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiDeepwater, DigiRainbowdrop (Rare) ;1 Liquid (3 times) DigiDeepwater, DigiMercury (Rare)

1 Stone (3 times) DigiRock, DigiSand, DigiStone ;1 Stone (1 time) DigiSand, DigiNight ; 1 Stone (3 times) DigiRock, DigiStone

1 Wood (3 times) DigiGreatwood, DigiBlackwood, DigiFelwood (Rare) ;1 Wood (3 times) DigiGreatwood, DigiBlackwood, DigiFelwood (Rare) ;1 Wood (3 times) DigiGreatwood, DigiFelwood (Rare)

Celeb Red Room:

1 Stone (1 time) DigiNight, DigiOnyx

Celeb Blue Room:

1 Liquid (1 time) DigiDeepwater, DigiLatex, DigiRainbowdrop (Rare)

Pink Stone House:

1 Liquid (3 times)DigiSap, DigiAcid, DigiLatex, DigiMercury (Rare)

1 Wood (3 times)DigiGreatwood, DigiStarwood (Rare), DigiFelwood (Rare)

Pink Stone House Int.:

1 Metal (1 time)DigiGold, DigiWhitegold, DigiSilver, Mithril (Rare), Black Digizoit (Rare)

Night Church:

1 Liquid 1 timeDigiSap, DigiLatex, DigiHolywater (Rare)


1 Wood (3 times)DigiBlackwood, DigiGodwood (Rare), DigiFelwood (Rare)

1 Stone (1 time)DigiNight, DigiOnyx (Rare), DigiDiamond (Rare) ;1 Stone (3 times)DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiSand, DigiOnyx (Rare)


1 Metal (3 times) DigiWhitegold, DigiSilver, DigiGold, Mithril (Rare), Black Digizoit (Rare)

1 Stone (3 times) DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiSand, DigiOnyx (Rare)

Celeb Green Room:

1 Wood (1 time) DigiBlackwood, DigiFelwood (Rare)

Bony ResortMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotalTotal Collection
Bony Drive22331028
Celeb Red Room111
Celeb Blue Room111
Pink Stone House1126
Pink Stone House Int.111
Night Church111
Celeb Green Room111

Visual Maps

Faulty Ex Machina Guide

Recruitment Guide

Faulty Ex Machina Area– The seventh area you will be able to explore.

West Coast

Greymon (Blue) and Garurumon (Black): (Optional) Battle them twice in this form. Then they will digivolve into MetalGreymon (Blue) and Weregarurumon (Black). Greymon (Blue) and Garurumon (Black) are weak to Ice and Machine Attack Skills respectively. MetalGreymon (Blue) and Weregarurumon (Black) are weak to Ice and Holy Attack Skills respectively.

Greenery Island

MetalMamemon: He will ask you once your lab is at high level to stop MetalTyrannomon and MetalGreymon from fighting in the North Coast area of Ex Machina. Once you defeat MetalTyrannomon and MetalGreymon in battle, MetalMamemon will join the City. He will reside in the Lab and will teach your partner Machine and Hand-to-Hand moves for 50,000 Bits. (Moves can only be taught if your partners can use them; level 7 Attack Skills can not be learned by this method)

Flowerbed Island

Guardmon: Can be found on the Flowerbed Island and he wants you to get a Haguru Part for him. You will need to access Ex Machina from MOD Cape. Hagurumon will be in the Control Room in the Control Island area. Once you talk to Hagurumon, he will join the City and lower the bridge so you can get back to Guardromon quicker. Guardromon will be in the Lab and he combine items to create more advanced ones.

Pathfork Island

Rapidmon: Located on Pathfork Island and he asks you to find his cellphone for him. Head back to the control room where you talked to Hagurumon and hit the big red button in the center of the area. This allows you to travel to Boulder Island, north of Rapidmon, to fetch his cell phone.

MetalGarurumon: Once your Lab level is maxed out, MetalGarurumon will talk to you. Defeat him to recruit him; he is weak to Air Attack Skills.

  • 30 Attack Skills = 2 Stamina Chips
  • 40 Attack Skills = 4 Stamina Chips
  • 50 Attack Skills = 6 Stamina Chips
  • 60 Attack Skills = 8 Stamina Chips

Control Island

Justimon: Koromon will send you Digimail talking vaguely about him. After a day or so after receiving the first mail you receive another mail. Head to Control Island to fight a Justimon who uses Ice Attack Skills. After a day or so after defeating “Justimon” you will receive a mail from him saying to come fight him. Back in Control Island you will meet the real Justimon and an imposter. Select “uses Ice moves” from the selection of dialogue prompts. You will recruit Justimon.

East Coast


Drainage Path

ClearAgumon and ToyAgumon (Black): (Daily Event) If you talk to these 2 you will set off a rift between them and ToyAgumon(Black) will run away. Go after him and corner him so he goes just outside KingSukamon’s Entrance. Defeat him in battle and you will receive 2 Large Double Disc for the trouble.

Sukamon: Defeat him in battle to recruit him. He will be in the Agricultural District and will assist with your Curse Bar. He will weak to Fire, Ice, Air, Nature, Hand-to-Hand Attack Skills.

Nanimon: Defeat him in battle to recruit him. He will join the Entertainment District and will give you free luck coins every day. He will weak to Fire, Ice, Air, Nature, Hand-to-Hand Attack Skills.

Boulder Island

MachGaogamon: Defeat him in under 60 seconds; pop the highest Attack Booster you have and attack fast and hard. He will join the Colosseum in the Entertainment District.

North Coast

MetalTyrannomon and MetalGreymon: After talking to MetalMamemon, you will find these two fighting it out until you step in. They will gang up on you in battle. MetalTyrannomon is weak to Hand-to-Hand Attack Skills and MetalGreymon is weak to Ice Attack Skills. They will both join the Lab in the City. MetalTyrannomon gives you Digivolutions Stones the longer you keep your partners alive. MetalGreymon will join the Colosseum providing you access to the Warehouse. MetalTyrannomon’s rewards:

  • 15 yrs Dirumpimpetice = MetalTyrannomon’s Digivolution Stone
  • 20 yrs Parvularmice = MetalMamemon’s Digivolution Stone, Ferrumachinice = MetalGreymon’s Digivolution Stone

BlackWarGrowlmon: (Daily Event) Battles you but you need to have dark digimon; Weak to Holy

Enemy List


West Coast: Level 36 Solarmon, Level 35 King Hagurumon (*Actually is Solarmon)

Greenery Island: Level 37 ToyAgumon (Black)

Flowerbed Island: Level 36 Guardromon, Level 36 Solarmon

Pathfork Island: Level 38 ToyAgumon (Black), Level 38 MetalGreymon (Blue)

Control Island: Level 36 WarGrowlmon (Orange)

East Coast: Level 35 Hagurumon, Level 35 WarGrowlmon (Orange)

Drainage Path: Level 39 Sukamon

Boulder Island: Level 38 Guardromon, Level 36 Guardromon (Gold)

North Coast: Level 39 BlueMeramon


West Coast: Level 36 Solarmon, Level 35 King Hagurumon (*Actually is Solarmon)

Greenery Island: Level 37 ToyAgumon (Black)

Flowerbed Island: Level 36 Guardromon, Level 36 Solarmon

Pathfork Island: Level 38 ToyAgumon (Black), Level 38 MetalGreymon (Blue)

Control Island: Level 36 WarGrowlmon (Orange)

East Coast: Level 35 Hagurumon, Level 35 WarGrowlmon (Orange)

Drainage Path: Level 39 PlatinumSukamon

Boulder Island: Level 38 Guardromon, Level 36 Guardromon (Gold)

North Coast: Level 39 BlueMeramon

Ingredient List

  • Deluxe Mushroom
  • Digistalk
  • Green Digistalk
  • Scratchy Grass
  • Unlucky Shroom
  • Acrid Fruit
  • Az Nut
  • Duty Fruit
  • Oily Fruit
  • Quick Fruit
  • Rolly Fruit

Faulty Ex Machina’s Vending Machine Contents

Infini-Water – 200 Bits

Recovery Disc – 300 Bits

MP Disc – 500 Bits

Portable Toilet – 500 Bits

Bandage – 800 Bits

Auto-Pilot – 1500 Bits

Faulty Ex Machina Material Guide

Materials in Digimon World: Next Order are used to improve your buildings in the City, Floatia. Collecting materials will help you level up your tamer level, so its best to remember to collect as much as you can while you are out in the field. At this point you will be able to upgrade the city’s buildings and improve the benefits they provide for you. By now you should have invested in a few Tamer Skills under the Extractor Type category. This seventh area provides you with end game materials if you are lucky. This area is also connected to the final map in which the area will provide you with just as rare materials.

*Numbers in () means how much you can dig at a specific location following with some examples of what you can find in that specific node. All Data was taken with the tamer skills: Metal Man, Stone Man, Liquid Man, Wood Man, and Material Master. Some materials may not be listed as RNG plays a factor in recovering them but it helps to notice patterns with them. For example, where you can find DigiBlackwood, there is a chance you can get the rare wood, DigiStarwood.

West Coast:

1 Metal (3 times) DigiIron, DigiCopper, Mithril (Rare)

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiAcid, DigiMercury, DigiOil

1 Stone (3 times) DigiRock, DigiStone

1 Wood (3 times) DigiWhitewood, DigiFelwood (Rare)

Greenery Island:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiIron, Chrome Digizoit

Flowerbed Island:

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiOil, DigiMercury

Pathfork Island:

1 Metal (3 times) DigiIron, Mithril (Rare), Black Digizoit (Rare)

Control Island:

1 Metal 3 times DigiCopper, DigiIron, Mithril (Rare), Black Digizoit (Rare) ;1 Metal (1 time) DigiIron, Mithril (Rare), Black Digizoit (Rare)

East Coast:

1 Metal (1 time) DigiSilver, DigiGold, DigiWhitegold, Black Digizoit (Rare) ;1 Metal (3 times) DigiIron, Chrome Digizoit (Rare)

1 Liquid (1 times)DigiAcid, DigiMercury (Rare), DigiLightningwater (Rare) ; 1 Liquid (1 time)DigiSap, DigiOil

1 Stone (3 times) DigiStone, DigiRock, DigiOnyx (Rare) ;1 Wood (1 time)DigiBlackwood, DigiSnowwood, DigiStarwood (Rare), DigiFelwood (Rare) ;1 Stone (3 times)DigiSand, DigiQuartz (Rare), DigiEmerald

1 Wood (1 time)DigiWhitewood, DigiPalm, DigiBamboo (Rare) , DigiFelwood (Rare)

Drainage Path:

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiAcid, DigiOil,DigiMercury (Rare) ;1 Liquid (3 times)DigiAcid, DigiOil, DigiLightningwater(Rare),DigiMercury (Rare)

Boulder island:

1 Stone (1 time) DigiSand, DigiOnyx (Rare), DigiQuartz (Rare) ;1 Stone (3 times) DigiSand, DigiRock, DigiStone, DigiQuartz (Rare)

North Coast:

1 Metal (3 times) DigiCopper, DigiIron, DigiSilver

1 Liquid (3 times) DigiAcid, DigiOil

1 Stone (3 times) DigiRock, DigiStone, DigiOnyx(Rare)

1 Wood (3 times) DigiBlackwood, DigiSnowwood, DigiStarwood (Rare)

Faulty Ex MachinaMetalLiquidStoneWoodTotalTotal Collection
West Coast1111412
Greenery Island111
Flowerbed Island113
Pathfork Island113
Control Island224
East Coast2222814
Drainage Path226
Boulder Island224
North Coast1111412

Visual Maps

Hope you find these resources helpful. If you have any of your own tips to share please do so in the comments!

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Digimon World: Next Order Guides & Tips For Locations and Materials (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.