Additional Practice 8-1 Equivalent Fractions Area Models (2025)

1. [PDF] Additional practice 8-1 equivalent fractions area models - Webflow

  • The 2016 edition of enVision Math for 4th grade introduces Lesson 8.1 on Equivalent Fractions using Area Models. This material, available in PDF and Easel ...

2. enVision Math 4th Grade (2016) - 8.1 Equivalent Fractions: Area Models

  • Can be used as a quiz, formative assessment, review, extra help, or homework. 4.NF.A.1. Answer Key is included. Find the entire chapter here!

  • **Please note this is for the 2016 edition of enVision Math. The 2024 edition is also available in my shop.This is a worksheet with a review of the lesson 8.1 in the 4th grade enVision Math series: Understand FactorsCan be used as a quiz, formative assessment, review, extra help, or homework.4.NF.A.

enVision Math 4th Grade (2016) - 8.1 Equivalent Fractions: Area Models

3. Equivalent Fractions: Area Models - 3rd Grade Math - Class Ace

4. Area Models, Multiplication And Equivalence Fractions (Continued)

  • Description. Objective: Use the area model and multiplication to show the equivalence of two fractions. (Day 2). In Lessons 7 and 8, students analyze their ...

  • Use the area model and multiplication to show the equivalence of two fractions (Day 2).

Area Models, Multiplication And Equivalence Fractions (Continued)

5. Find equivalent fractions using area models | 4th grade math - IXL

  • Improve your math knowledge with free questions in "Find equivalent fractions using area models" and thousands of other math skills.

Find equivalent fractions using area models | 4th grade math - IXL

6. [PDF] 2020-05-09 16:19

7. Equivalent Fractions - GCSE Maths - Steps, Examples & Worksheet

  • There are also equivalent fractions worksheets based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you're still ...

  • Equivalent fractions GCSE maths revision guide, including step by step examples, and free equivalent fractions worksheet and exam questions.

Equivalent Fractions - GCSE Maths - Steps, Examples & Worksheet

8. Find Equivalent Fractions Using Area Models | Year 6 | Edugain Cambodia

  • Find Equivalent Fractions Using Area Models problems, practice, tests, worksheets, questions, quizzes, teacher assignments | Year 6 | Australian School ...

  • Find Equivalent Fractions Using Area Models problems, practice, tests, worksheets, questions, quizzes, teacher assignments | Year 6 | Australian School Math

Find Equivalent Fractions Using Area Models | Year 6 | Edugain Cambodia

9. enVision Lesson 8.1-Grade 4-Equivalent Fractions: Area Models

  • Be the first to ask Kenisha Hall a question about this product. More from ...

  • This lesson plan corresponds to lesson 8.1 Equivalent Fractions. This plan includes the next generation standards, lesson objectives, essential understanding, vocabulary, step by step flow of lesson that includes guiding questions, and small group instruction. ...

enVision Lesson 8.1-Grade 4-Equivalent Fractions: Area Models

10. [PDF] Name - Equivalent Fractions - Jackson Local Schools

  • He wants to use tenth-size strips to model an equivalent fraction. How many tenth-size strips will he need? (A) 10. B. ©.

Additional Practice 8-1 Equivalent Fractions Area Models (2025)


How do you teach equivalent fractions with models? ›

The easiest way to do this is to draw a rectangular fraction model, shading in the number of pieces indicated by the fraction. Then, practice splitting the rectangular fraction into several different numbers of rows. See the video below for an example.

When you use an area model, how can you tell if two fractions are not equivalent? ›

Determine if the fractions represented by the area models are equivalent. Compare the numerators and denominators of the given fractions. Using either multiplication or division, find the common factor that was multiplied or divided from the first fraction to the second fraction.

How to solve equivalent fractions step by step? ›

To find the equivalent fractions for any given fraction, multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number. For example, to find an equivalent fraction of 3/4, multiply the numerator 3 and the denominator 4 by the same number, say, 2. Thus, 6/8 is an equivalent fraction of 3/4.

How to teach equivalent fractions in a fun way? ›

Dominoes are great for (one) naming fractions and (two) finding equivalent fractions. Students must first determine which side is the numerator and which side is the denominator (bigger). Then, they can find other dominoes that are equivalent fractions to the first, with bigger and smaller numbers!

What are the three fraction models? ›

The three major categories of fraction models are the area model, linear model, and set model. Evidence suggests that providing opportunities for students to work with all three models plays a crucial role in developing a conceptual understanding of fractions.

What is an equivalent fraction Grade 7? ›

When two fractions represent the same amount of a whole they are equivalent fractions. We can convert a fraction into an equivalent fraction by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number, or dividing out a common factor from the numerator and denominator.

What is an equivalent fraction for Grade 6? ›

For each fraction, we can find its equivalent fraction by multiplying both numerator and denominator with the same number. For example, we have to find the third equivalent fraction of ⅔; then we have to multiply 2/3 by 3/3. Hence, 2/3 × (3/3) = 6/9, is the fraction equivalent to 2/3.


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