33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (2024)

The third letter of the alphabet champions an array of creatures! From armored ancient reptiles crocodiles to the friendly rodent capybaras, let's expand our knowledge about animals that start with C.

As you browse each C animal, you'll discover creatures from colossal to compact, each displaying unique traits and lifestyles. Imagine the swift cheetah sprinting across the African plains, the intelligent crow engaging in intriguing behaviors, or the chameleon sticking out its incredibly long tongue. Our planet truly impresses us with its diversity.

From their habitats to diets, quirky behaviors, and the challenges they face in the wild, let this list enrich our understanding of their existence. The expedition starts now! And by the time you finish reading this article, you might have new favorite animals beginning with C.

All conservation status data in this article are from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). For further reading, download the comprehensive report for each animal on IUCN's website.

List of Animals Beginning with C

Quick links to our selection of animals that start with C:

  • 1. Caiman
  • 2. Caiman Lizard
  • 3. Camel
  • 4. Camel Spider
  • 5. Capybara
  • 6. Cardinal
  • 7. Caribou
  • 8. Cassowary
  • 9. Cat
  • 10. Chameleon
  • 11. Cheetah
  • 12. Chicken
  • 13. Chimpanzee
  • 14. Chinchilla
  • 15. Chinese Crested Dog
  • 16. Chinstrap Penguin
  • 17. Chipmunk
  • 18. Cicada
  • 19. Clam
  • 20. Clownfish
  • 21. Cobra
  • 22. Coral
  • 23. Corgi
  • 24. Cougar
  • 25. Cow
  • 26. Coyote
  • 27. Crab
  • 28. Crocodile
  • 29. Crow
  • 30. Cuttlefish
  • 31. co*ckroach
  • 32. Caterpillar
  • 33. Centipede

1. Caiman

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (1)

Fun Fact: Did you know caimans are bigger and smaller than alligators? The mighty Black Caiman outgrows almost all alligators at 5 meters. Yet, tiny Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman, the smallest crocodilian, measuring just 1.5 meters, wouldn't even reach an alligator's neck.

Caimans (Caimaninae), often mistaken for their relatives, the alligators, and crocodiles, boast a unique charm that sets them apart. Found in diverse habitats across Central and South America, these reptiles live in slow-moving rivers and swamps.

Beyond fearsome predators, caimans also play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance. They contribute to controlling other species' populations and, through their burrowing behavior, create vital refuges for other species during dry periods. Fearsome but pivotal, caimans are essential components of the intricate puzzle of nature.

Read more: Types of Crocodile.

2. Caiman Lizard

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (2)

Fun Fact: Did you know the caiman lizard is nicknamed for its intimidating scales, strikingly mirroring the caiman hide? These crocodilian-like scales across their back protect them from predators.

Caiman Lizards (Dracaena guianensis) are semi-aquatic reptiles native to South America's flooded forests and slow-moving rivers. These bold-colored lizards also have tails that enable swift movement through water, making up nearly half their total body length of up to 4 feet.

These "water tegus" also have strong jaws and specialized teeth for crushing the shells of their primary prey, like snails and clams. Mentioning their diet and habitat, caiman lizards have exceptional swimming skills. Moreover, their calm demeanor distinguishes them from other types of lizards. Instead of being territorial, male caiman lizards tolerate being near others.

3. Camel

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (3)

Fun Fact: Did you know camels have an exceptional ability to hydrate rapidly? They can consume 30 gallons of water in a mere 13 minutes.

Camels, famously known as the "ships of the desert," possess various adaptations to endure harsh, arid conditions. Their humps keep fat, providing energy reserves when food is scarce. They have unique features like long eyelashes, hair in their ears, and closable nostrils for protection from desert sandstorms. Lastly, their chest and knees have pads to protect them from the scorching sand when lying down.

Despite weighing 600 to 2,200 pounds, these desert animals that start with C can reach up to 40 miles per hour over short distances. As a result, their strength, agility, and capacity to carry heavy loads for long periods have made them valuable human companions in trade and transport throughout history.

Expand your knowledge about these desert creatures with our camel facts and explore the different types of camels.

4. Camel Spider

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (4)

Fun Fact: Do you know camel spiders are not spiders at all? Their lack of venom, silk glands, distinctly divided body, and possession of large jaws instead of fangs make the difference.

Camel spiders (Solifugae), also known as wind scorpions or sun spiders, are members of the class Arachnida. They have a threatening appearance, with jaws up to one-third of their body length. Typically, they are brown or tan and sport hairy legs and a segmented abdomen.

They can run up to 10 miles per hour to avoid overheating in their hot desert habitats. They also avoid direct sunlight and hunt primarily at night. Despite the common myth camel spiders do not eat the insides of a camel's stomach, the misleading name persists.

The C animal below has been a viral sensation recently.

5. Capybara

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (5)

Fun Fact: Did you know capybaras can hold their breath underwater for up to five minutes? These semi-aquatic rodents use their webbed feet and strong legs to navigate through water easily.

The capybara (Hydrocho*rus hydrochaeris), the world's largest rodent, is native to South America. They call grasslands, forests, and wetlands their homes. Their stocky bodies are adept for land and water, facilitating thermoregulation and predator evasion.

They have perpetually growing teeth to accommodate their herbivorous diet, including tough aquatic plants, grasses, and fruits. Birds also feed on ticks found on the capybaras, providing capybaras with grooming. With their friendly interactions with many animals, no wonder they won the hearts of many online.

Read more about these popular rodents in our capybara facts.

6. Cardinal

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (6)

Fun Fact: Did you know the cardinal is the official state bird of seven US states? This animal that starts with C is the insignia of the state of Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana.

The cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) are stunning songbirds with vibrant red plumage in males and subtler grey and reddish-orange hues in females. They got their name from early American settlers who thought the male bird's bright red plumage resembled the red robes worn by Catholic Cardinals.

Nature enthusiasts across North America notice not only their striking colors but also their seed-feeding courtship. They also stand out with their duets, as both males and females are skilled singers. When you spot them in your gardens, peel your ears for their melodious whistles and chirps.

7. Caribou

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (7)

Fun Fact: Did you know that caribou are the only deer species where both genders grow antlers?

Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are part of the deer family known as reindeer in Europe and Asia. In North America, caribou refers specifically to the wild variety, while the domesticated ones are called reindeer. Adapted to Arctic and Subarctic regions, their fur color changes with the seasons for camouflage, from reddish-brown in summer to greyish-white in winter.

Known for their extensive migration, they cover up to 3,000 miles annually. Thanks to their crescent-shaped hooves, they can efficiently traverse across snowy terrain. They also have specialized nasal passages that help them warm incoming cold air. Despite their endurance and adaptations, they are vulnerable animals we must protect from hunting and habitat loss.

8. Cassowary

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (8)

Fun Fact: Did you know the cassowary's casque is not just for show? It acts as a thermal regulator. Channeling heat away from the bird's body helps them stay cool in hot climates.

The cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) is a flightless bird indigenous to Australia, New Guinea, and neighboring islands. It has a bright blue neck, red wattle, glossy black feathers, and a helmet-like casque. They received the title of one of the most dangerous birds for having strong legs and sharp claws, which can cause fatality when threatened or cornered.

Despite its fearful reputation, this animal that starts with C is pivotal in the rainforest ecosystem. As frugivores, these birds contribute to seed dispersal in the rainforest, preserving its rich biodiversity. Although all three species have a status of least concern species, we should maintain their habitats with the bird's survival in mind.

9. Cat

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Fun Fact: Did you know cats can land on their feet as early as three weeks old? The secret lies in their 'righting reflex,' a built-in balancing mechanism. Coupled with a flexible backbone and detached collarbone, our feline friends can twist their bodies right around in midair and land on their feet safely.

Cats are the first animals that start with C, we all learned. Numbering an estimated 600 million worldwide, they reign as the second most popular pet. Approximately 9,500 years ago, humans first domesticated these felines in the Near East. Today, over 70 recognized breeds have various shapes, sizes, and temperaments. From the wall paintings in Egyptian halls to funny online videos, these felines have genuinely caught our attention and affection.

Despite their ubiquity in our everyday lives, cats remain complicated creatures that we must continue to understand. Starting with the familiar 'meow,' a cat uses it mainly to communicate with humans. If you are worried about your furniture, know that cats scratch to maintain hunting readiness and mark territories, and it also doubles as a stretching exercise.

Whether you plan to adopt a cat or take care of a few already, check out more cat facts to appreciate your feline friends more.

10. Chameleon

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (10)

Fun Fact: Did you know chameleons can change their colors in seconds? More than their natural camouflage, they actively display rapid color change during social interactions such as courting7.

Chameleons (Chamaeleonidae) are famous for many distinct adaptations. These lizards can swivel 180 degrees independently, monitoring their environment for food and threats. Their elongated tongues can also shoot out in a split second, up to twice their body length, capturing prey with astounding accuracy.

Famous for their color-changing abilities, chameleons use this primarily for communication, not camouflage. They convey emotions, intentions, and health status through their color. Due to habitat loss and illegal wildlife trade, more than a third of the 202 chameleon species face grave danger. As of writing, the IUCN website shows ten critically endangered, 43 endangered, and 25 vulnerable chameleon species.

To understand these lizards better, visit our chameleon facts after reading this list.

11. Cheetah

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (11)

Fun Fact: Did you know cheetahs are the only big cats that can purr like domestic cats? They use this vocalization to communicate with each other, especially during grooming and playing.

Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), the fastest land mammal, impress us with their extraordinary speed. They can outpace even the most high-performance sports cars, accelerating from zero to 60 mph in just three seconds9. This breakneck speed and agility allow them to weave through grasslands and quickly chase down their prey.

When hunting, cheetahs use their keen eyesight to spot prey from a distance of up to 5 miles. While other big cats rely on stealth tactics, cheetahs get closer to their target before launching into a breathtaking, all-out sprint. But they can only maintain their velocity for approximately 30 seconds before needing to rest and prevent overheating.

Visit our cheetah facts and cheetah quotes for more information on these felines.

12. Chicken

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (12)

Fun Fact: Did you know chickens can see a broader range of colors than humans? They have another type of cone in their eyes, allowing them to see ultraviolet light. Their vision helps them identify ripe fruits and vegetables.

Often considered ordinary, chickens possess traits many may not be aware of. For instance, these domestic animals use a complex system of communication. They warn their flock of approaching predators or announce the arrival of a freshly laid egg, displaying their intelligence and social nature through their rich and varied language.

Digging deeper into their cognitive abilities, chickens can empathize with their fellow birds. Researchers found that mother hens showed signs of stress when their chicks experienced mild discomfort11, indicating a level of empathy. We can appreciate chickens' emotional depth and cognitive capabilities by addressing this common misconception.

We all know we grow chickens for human consumption, but if you're considering eating less of these intelligent birds, visit our article on eating less meat to help the environment.

13. Chimpanzee

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (13)

Fun Fact: Did you know chimpanzees use leaves to drink water4? Starting at around two and a half years old, this clever behavior shows their resourcefulness in the wild.

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) found in Central and Western Africa have been observed utilizing tools like sticks and stones to collect and hunt for food. They also display emotions such as empathy and grief comparable to ours.

They have a diverse diet of fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, insects, and small mammals. This adaptability enables them to thrive in various habitats, from dense rainforests to savannah woodlands. However, they face significant threats, such as habitat loss, hunting, and diseases, contributing to a declining chimpanzee population.

Contribute to the cause by sharing chimpanzee facts to raise awareness.

14. Chinchilla

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (14)

Fun Fact: Did you know chinchillas have one of the softest fur in the animal kingdom? Each of their follicles has more than 50 hairs. In comparison, humans only have two to three!

Chinchillas are small rodent species hailing from the Andean region of South America, charming animal lovers with their soft fur. They regularly take dust baths to absorb and remove excess oils and dirt. In addition, their playful and curious nature is why they became popular pets in the 1960s.

If you plan to own one, providing a large cage with plenty of space for movement and activities is essential. Their room must also have an ambient temperature (between 60°F and 75°F) as these rodents are susceptible to heat stroke. Aside from dust baths, a diet high in fiber and a quiet place for daytime sleep are also critical factors to the health of these exotic pet animals that start with C.

If you're a dog lover, add the following animal that starts with C to your top breeds.

15. Chinese Crested Dog

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Fun Fact: Did you know the unique look of Chinese crested dogs results from a genetic mutation5? This mutation in a gene known as FOXI3 is responsible for ectodermal development - the process that forms structures such as hair and teeth. When this gene doesn't function correctly, it produces this dog breed's distinctive hairless and toothless look.

Chinese Crested dogs come in two distinct looks: the hairless variety has smooth skin with tufts of hair on the head, tail, and ankles. Meanwhile, the powderpuff variant has a double soft, straight, silky fur coat. They are small yet elegant dogs with wedge-shaped heads, almond-shaped eyes, and large, erect ears, adding to their distinguishable looks.

This calm and friendly breed of dog adapts well to apartment living due to its size and temperament. However, the dogs' lack of fur, especially for the hairless variety, makes them sensitive to cold temperatures and sunlight.

Interestingly, the exact origin of these hairless breeds remains debated. Some experts think Chinese dog breeds may have originated from Africa or Central and South America before being introduced to China. Nonetheless, promoting responsible breeding practices is vital to ensure these unique dogs' continued health and well-being.

What amazing animals that start with C have impressed you so far? Find fifteen more interesting animals below.

16. Chinstrap Penguin

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (16)

Fun Fact: Did you know chinstrap penguins are known for their distinctive "smile"? The black line across their chin and under their beak looks like a strap, hence the name.

Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarcticus) are medium-sized penguins that call the rocky shores of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions their home. They are also called Stonebreaker Penguins due to their loud, sharp calls that sound like stones being chipped or broken.

They are highly social animals, living in large colonies and demonstrating strong pair bonds with their mates. However, they can also display aggressive behavior, often in fights over nesting territory and mates. Even if these penguin species are thriving, they still face threats like climate change, overfishing, and human disturbance.

17. Chipmunk

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Fun Fact: Did you know chipmunks can stash up to 8 pounds of food for the winter?

Chipmunks are tiny rodents from the squirrel family with distinctive striped fur and lively antics. Among the 25 species found primarily in North America, the Eastern chipmunks are the most recognizable.

Many of us think chipmunks only love nuts, but that's not true. They enjoy eating foods like seeds, fruits, bugs, tiny frogs, and bird eggs. One cool thing about chipmunks is their cheek pouches. They can stretch to be three times larger than their head, which helps them carry more food.

To learn more about these rodents, check out our chipmunk facts.

18. Cicada

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (18)

Fun Fact: Did you know periodical cicadas are some of the longest-living insects? These species can live up to 17 years. But they spend most of their life underground as nymphs.

Cicadas (Cicadoidea) are insects known for their distinctive, buzzing songs. With over 3,000 species worldwide, their sizes range from a mere penny coin to a length of a credit card. Their stout green or brown bodies and compound eyes make them easy to spot, but their symphony of sound catches our attention.

Males use specialized organs called tymbals, like tiny drums, to create their signature buzzing sounds and attract females during the breeding season. Although their appearance and noise might seem alarming, cicadas are harmless to humans.

Read more: Cicada Facts.

19. Clam

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Fun Fact: Did you know that some species of clams can live up to 507 years1? The ocean quahog, a type of clam found in the North Atlantic, has been known to live for over five centuries!

The often overlooked clam, a member of the bivalve mollusk family, boasts their vital role as a filter feeder in aquatic ecosystems. They inhabit both freshwater and marine environments across the globe, protected by two calcium carbonate shells that enclose their soft bodies.

Although clams may not lead the most dynamic lives, their contribution to the health of aquatic ecosystems is crucial. Their filtering process helps eliminate pollutants, excess nutrients, and harmful algae blooms, providing a cleaner and safer environment for other marine and freshwater life. Clams are also a crucial food source for various predators in aquatic environments, including fish and birds.

So, when you come across these mollusks, you must acknowledge their importance in the underwater ecosystem.

If you're a fan of Pixar movies, you might recognize our next animal that starts with C:

20. Clownfish

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (20)

Fun Fact: Did you know clownfish is one of the few fish species that can swim backward? This ability comes in handy when they need to retreat into the safety of the anemone's home quickly.

Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) are small, vibrant marine creatures delighting divers with their striking colors and playful demeanor. They often dart through the coral reefs and shallow waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Interestingly, they have the venomous tentacles of sea anemones as their homes.

Their secret? They have a layer of mucus that covers their bodies, shielding them from the stinging cells of their anemone hosts. This clever adaptation allows them to confidently nestle within the tentacles, safe from predators that dare not venture too close. In return, clownfish help their anemone partners stay clean by feeding on debris and sharing scraps from their meal.

Interestingly, all clownfish start life as males, and when the dominant female dies or leaves, the largest male undergoes a gender transformation to become the new alpha female. Recent research has shown that this ability to change sex ensures that there is always a breeding pair to maintain the population2.

21. Cobra

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Fun Fact: Did you know a cobra's venom can be so deadly it can kill an elephant in just a few hours? However, cobras are not naturally aggressive and will only attack if threatened or cornered.

Cobras predominantly inhabit tropical and subtropical regions in Asia and Africa. They prefer living in forests, mountains, and near a water source. When threatened, a cobra can lift a third of its body off the ground, demonstrating extraordinary muscle control.

Despite their strength, these venomous animals that start with C often suffer from their negative reputation, which stems from their nasty bite and distinctive threat display. Consequently, people frequently kill them out of fear. This fear, alongside habitat loss and illegal trafficking for body parts, leads to a steady decline in their population.

The IUCN categorizes several cobra species, like the King Cobra, as "Vulnerable." Therefore, pushing for stronger conservation efforts and a more balanced understanding of these snakes is crucial. Check out our snake facts for more information.

22. Coral

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Fun Fact: Did you know that some species of coral can live for over 5,000 years? That means some corals have been around since before the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza!

Coral (Anthozoa), often mistaken for lifeless rocks or plants, are living organisms playing a crucial role in marine ecosystems. Living in the shallow tropical waters of the world's oceans, they form some of the planet's most diverse and vital habitats.

Corals' symbiotic relationship with an algae called zooxanthellae is vital to their survival. These tiny organisms live within the coral's tissue, providing the most vibrant colors. In exchange for shelter, the algae produce food through photosynthesis, which the coral consumes.

Unfortunately, coral reefs are dying due to various reasons. Bleaching occurs when rising ocean temperatures cause corals to expel their algae partners, losing their color and source of nourishment. Besides bleaching, corals face ocean acidification, pollution, and overfishing. Researchers and conservationists work tirelessly to preserve these invaluable organisms despite these obstacles.

Be part of the solution by expanding your knowledge through our coral facts.

23. Corgi

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Fun Fact: Did you know Corgis' primary purpose is to herd cattle and sheep in Wales? Their short stature allowed them to easily dodge kicks and bites from the livestock they were herding, making them the perfect working dog for the job!

The Corgi is a small yet mighty dog with an unmistakable appearance. Their endearing, fox-like facial features and short legs captured the hearts of many dog lovers, including the late Queen Elizabeth II, who owned more than 30.

This dog breed possesses intelligence, agility, and spirited personalities, making them perfect Corgis are undeniably lovable. Still, their herding instincts may occasionally lead to amusing situations. For instance, they might "herd" small children or nip at the heels of family members to corral them, just as they would with livestock. Early socialization and training can help manage this behavior, ensuring a well-behaved and happy Corgi.

24. Cougar

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Fun Fact: Did you know cougar cubs have spots while adults don't? The cubs are born with pebble-like spots covering their bodies that act as camouflage, helping them hide from predators in their early, vulnerable years.

Cougars (Puma concolor) occupy the largest geographic range among native terrestrial mammals in the Western Hemisphere. They are also the second largest cat in North America. These felines nimbly navigate various landscapes with their muscular limbs, climbing trees and leaping up to 30 feet horizontally to catch their prey.

Cougars, also called mountain lions, pumas, panthers, and catamounts, were previously considered solitary creatures. Although not as friendly as other social animals, cougars follow a complex hierarchy based on reciprocity8. They tolerate each other, suggesting mutual benefits for their survival and breeding opportunities.

Read more: Puma Facts.

25. Cow

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Fun Fact: Did you know cows are good at remembering? Studies show that these gentle giants are skilled navigators who can recall the location of their favorite food spots10, even in a tricky maze. They can even remember it for up to 8 hours.

Cows, often seen as ordinary farm animals, are more than creatures that moo and chew. They convey emotions through their distinct "moos," such as contentment, distress, or excitement. Cows also use body language, like head-butting, to express dominance or anger. This rich communication system helps them maintain social hierarchy and promotes harmony within the herd.

These domesticated C animals have a remarkable digestive system, allowing them to process their plant-based diet efficiently. Their four-chambered stomach sets them apart from many other mammals, with each chamber uniquely breaking down fibrous plant material. Regurgitating and re-chewing their food helps them extract the maximum nutrients from their meals.

Immerse yourself more deeply in these bovines' world by adopting others' views in our curated cow quotes.

26. Coyote

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Fun Fact: Did you know coyotes run on tiptoes? Their nimble legs and padded paws allow them to reach up to 40 miles per hour without creating a sound.

Coyotes (Canis latrans), often mistaken for wolves, stand out with their smaller, leaner frames and adaptability compared to their larger counterparts. With their distinctive bushy tails and pointy ears, they roam through various landscapes across North and Central America, from arid deserts to bustling cities.

These dog family members primarily hunt smaller mammals such as rabbits and rodents. Still, they won't hesitate to feast on insects, fruits, and even carrion when the opportunity arises. This opportunistic eating habit allows these animals that start with C to thrive in both rural and urban environments.

27. Crab

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Fun Fact: Did you know that some species of crabs can regenerate their lost limbs? If a crab loses a claw or leg, it can grow a new one in its place after about a year's worth of molting.

With their claws and vibrant exoskeletons, crabs scuttle across sandy shores or rocky coastlines worldwide. Armed with five pairs of legs, they typically move sideways, thanks to their joint structure that enables agility and speed in this direction.

From vivid reds and oranges to soothing blues and greens, crabs also have varying sizes. The colossal Japanese Spider Crab holds the title for the biggest, stretching up to 13 feet from claw to claw. In contrast, the tiny Pea Crab, fitting comfortably on the tip of a finger, barely reaches half an inch in diameter.

In addition to their agility, this crustacean animal that starts with C exhibits a fascinating molting process in which they shed their exoskeleton to accommodate growth. During this vulnerable period, a crab's body remains soft and exposed, waiting for its new shell to harden. Some crabs even consume their old exoskeletons to regain essential nutrients and minerals like calcium.

Dive deeper into their world with our crab facts.

28. Crocodile

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Fun Fact: Did you know crocodiles don't know how to chew their food? Their jaw structure doesn't let them move sideways, making it impossible to grind food like other animals. They have evolved to eat by tearing off large pieces of their prey and swallowing them whole.

Crocodiles are ancient armored predators that have thrived for over 200 million years. These impressive reptiles can hold their breath underwater for an hour by slowing their metabolism and heart rate. This ability allows them to patiently wait for their prey, hidden in the depths of rivers, lakes, and swamps.

Although crocodiles may appear slow and lumbering on land, they display agility as swimmers, reaching up to 20 miles per hour in the water. They've even adapted to lunge out of the water and snatch prey from the shoreline. Expand your knowledge about these famous reptiles and common zoo animals through our crocodile facts.

29. Crow

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Fun Fact: Did you know crows hold grudges against humans who have wronged them6? They can remember human faces for several years. Even more so, they share this information with their flock.

Crows (Corvus), members of the Corvidae family, stand out with their jet-black appearance and exceptional intelligence that rivals any bird species. You can find these adaptable creatures in almost every continent except Antarctica, thriving in diverse environments, from bustling cities to serene forests.

When they encounter a deceased flock member, they gather together silently and then caw loudly around the fallen bird. This behavior informs others about potential dangers in the area, showcasing the intricate social dynamics. To read more about these intelligent birds, check our crow facts and dedicated article looking at baby crows.

30. Cuttlefish

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Fun Fact: Did you know cuttlefish have three hearts? Two of their hearts pump blood to their gills, while the third circulates blood to the rest of their body.

Like other cephalopods, Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) can change their color, pattern, and texture in mere seconds. This adaptation comes from specialized chromatophores cells, which help cuttlefish blend seamlessly with their surroundings.

As you look closer at their eyes, they possess a distinctive W-shaped pupil that aids in balancing uneven light, improving image contrast, and delivering sharper visuals underwater. Unlike circular pupils, their W-shaped pupil adjusts to light changes more effectively3.

Read more: Cuttlefish Facts.

31. co*ckroach

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (31)

Fun Fact: Did you know that co*ckroaches can survive without their heads for about a week? That's just one testament to their unmatched resilience, which has allowed them to inhabit the earth for over 280 million years.

Versatile and speedy, these creatures not only occupy diverse habitats, but can also move astonishingly fast. Their reputation, however, is not solely about being unwanted house guests. As nature's recyclers, they dine on decaying matter, playing a crucial role in the ecosystem.

32. Caterpillar

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Fun Fact: Did you know that a caterpillar, before it turns into a fluttering butterfly or a magnificent moth, has more muscles than humans? While humans boast only about 650 muscles, a caterpillar flaunts over 4,000. Now let's visit the fascinating world of these tiny creatures.

Caterpillars, the juvenile stage of Lepidoptera order members, are essentially eating machines. Their unique circulatory system allows them to eat nonstop, gobbling up incessantly and growing exponentially - nearly 27,000 times their initial weight. They sport mesmerizing designs and vibrant hues, a deceptive exterior that wards off predators.

Their ability to metamorphose into winged beauties adds a whimsical note to their existence. They weave secure cocoons around themselves, embarking on a transformative journey inside their silken fort. This metamorphosis process, known as pupation, when they morph from a humble earth-crawler to a dainty air-dancer, is what makes caterpillars a marvel of nature.

Read more: Caterpillar Facts.

33. Centipede

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Fun Fact: Did you know centipedes never have exactly 100 legs, despite their name? That's just one of their many enchanting quirks.

Centipedes are notable for their elongated, many-segmented bodies, with each segment sporting a pair of legs. Their species are as ancient as they are diverse, with fossils dating back hundreds of millions of years.

But fascinating as they are, they're not just here for show. Sporting venomous claws, centipedes keep a check on pests in the ecosystem. These many-legged marvels, even display maternal care, a unique feature for invertebrates.


The compilation of animals that start with the letter 'C' is composed of a diverse range of creatures. Each one, from the Caterpillar to the Cheetah, holds specific characteristics and fascinating features that create a varied microcosm in the grandeur of nature. Their disparate behaviors, developmental patterns, and survival methods provide interesting lessons on the intricacies of the animal kingdom.

Looking at this list ultimately encourages us to acknowledge the diversity of species that exist and our role in their preservation. Each species sheds light on different aspects of nature's mechanics, providing rich insights into the world of wildlife. Through understanding and appreciating these animals, it's clear that each one contributes significantly to the intricate tapestry of life on Earth.

Share these interesting facts about animals starting with C, with your friends.

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33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (34)


Butler, P., Wanamaker, A. D., Scourse, J., Richardson, C. A., & Reynolds, D. J. (2013). Variability of marine climate on the North Icelandic Shelf in a 1357-year proxy archive based on growth increments in the bivalve Arctica islandica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 373, 141–151.


Khoo, M. L., Das, S. K., & Ghaffar, M. A. (2018). Growth pattern, diet and reproductive biology of the clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris in waters of Pulau Tioman, Malaysia. The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 44(3), 233–239.


Mäthger, L. M., Hanlon, R. T., Håkansson, J., & Nilsson, D. (2013). The W-shaped pupil in cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis): Functions for improving horizontal vision. Vision Research, 83, 19–24.


Tonooka, R. (2001). Leaf-folding behavior for drinking water by wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Bossou, Guinea. Animal Cognition, 4(3–4), 325–334.


Drögemüller, C., Karlsson, E. K., Hytönen, M. K., Perloski, M., Dolf, G., Sainio, K., Lohi, H., Lindblad-Toh, K., & Leeb, T. (2008). A Mutation in Hairless Dogs Implicates FOXI3 in Ectodermal Development. Science, 321(5895), 1462.


Marzluff, J. M., Walls, J., Cornell, H. N., Withey, J. C., & Craig, D. P. (2010). Lasting recognition of threatening people by wild American crows. Animal Behaviour, 79(3), 699-707.


Teyssier, J., Saenko, S. V., Van Der Marel, D., & Milinkovitch, M. C. (2015). Photonic crystals cause an active colour change in chameleons. Nature Communications, 6, 6368.


Elbroch, L. M., Levy, M. A., Lubell, M., Quigley, H., & Caragiulo, A. (2017). Adaptive social strategies in a solitary carnivore. Science Advances, 3(10).


Wilson, A., Lowe, J., Roskilly, K.et al.Locomotion dynamics of hunting in wild cheetahs.Nature498, 185–189 (2013).


Bailey, D. W., Rittenhouse, L., Hart, R. H., & Richards, R. W. (1989). Characteristics of spatial memory in cattle. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 23(4), 331–340.


Edgar, J., Lowe, J. C., Paul, E. S., & Nicol, C. (2011). Avian maternal response to chick distress. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1721), 3129–3134.

33 Animals That Start With C With Pictures And Facts (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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